The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

I've known The River for quite some time; definitely one of the most notable bands in the doom scene as a whole.

But I wasn't converted. :mad:

Over the past week or so I've been going through my Samael collection from Worship Him to Above. The only record I don't actually own is Era One. I can't reiterate enough how much this band fucking rocks. Vorph has to possess one of the best voices in metal; and as much hate as it will surely bring me, I even find Solar Soul tolerable, the more I listen to it. Above is just such a brutal fucking record though; so heavy and crushing.
I listened to Ceremony of Opposites once and didn't have any motivation to continue listening to Samael after that. It sounded pretty well performed but the songwriting seemed boring/uncreative.
I listened to Ceremony of Opposites once and didn't have any motivation to continue listening to Samael after that. It sounded pretty well performed but the songwriting seemed shallow/pedantic.

I listened to Ceremony of Opposites once and didn't have any motivation to continue listening to Samael after that. It sounded pretty well performed but the songwriting seemed boring/uncreative.

Samael has always been more about the grooves than about complex, multi-movement pieces, I've found. Their electronic-influenced stuff that came just after Ceremony of Opposites features probably some of the most complex and innovative songwriting they've ever done.

I liked it at first but all the songs basically have the same idea to them. It's solid when I put it on but I barely find reason to.

Above I love for its consistency and immensity. All the songs have the same vibe, but I really love putting that record on in the car and letting it play; bone-crushing riff after bone-crushing riff.
So I realized tonight that Severe Torture deserve more love than they get. I have Sworn Vengeance and Fall of the Despised. Sworn Vengeance is death metal with a dissonant and somewhat punkish vibe that feels unusual. It's quite good. Fall of the Despised is more brutal; not sure if it actually qualifies as brutal death. Anyhow, it's chock full of excellent, memorable riffs and is generally awesome. Is their earlier stuff worth getting?