The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

I don't spose there are any mansun fans here on this board? I'm just listening to there last ever album, Kleptomania, its seriously good shit.
Doomwatcher said:
No Demigod, Massacra or Incantation?

Slumber of Sullen Eyes would more than likely make my top 15, and Incantation have plenty of room for growth in my mind (I own and like about five of their albums, but I wouldn't claim to know any of them really well thusfar). Final Holocaust's influence and intelligence can't be overstated, it brought death metal to new realms of chaos and nihilism, but it's just a little too primitive for me these days. Certainly up there, though.

Which would you replace to include those three, out of interest?
unknown said:
what are your top 10 BM albums, GoD?

Aeternus - ...And So The Night Became
Aeternus - Beyond the Wandering Moon
Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
Darkthrone - Under A Funeral Moon
Demoncy - Joined in Darkness
Fullmoon - United Aryan Evil
Graveland - Thousand Swords
Immortal - Pure Holocaust
Nokturnal Mortum - Goat Horns
Summoning - Dol Guldur
Gallantry over Docility said:
Yeah, not really a fan. Too much melo-death, not enough melodic death, by your definitions. ;) Still, if I had to listen to melo-death, I'd listen to something like this. I'd have adored it a couple of years ago.

My point exactly. It's the best modern melo-death ever probably.
Gallantry over Docility said:
Slumber of Sullen Eyes would more than likely make my top 15, and Incantation have plenty of room for growth in my mind (I own and like about five of their albums, but I wouldn't claim to know any of them really well thusfar). Final Holocaust's influence and intelligence can't be overstated, it brought death metal to new realms of chaos and nihilism, but it's just a little too primitive for me these days. Certainly up there, though.

Which would you replace to include those three, out of interest?

I would probably replace Descend into The Absurd. Not that I find it unremarkable but, in my opinion, it lacks variation in terms of song structure to maintain consistency in comparison to Slumber of Sullen Eyes. It reminds me more of Bolt Thrower fused with melody that echo the technique used by the Swedish DM bands than of Demigod. I concur with the similarities of Autopsy mentioned in your review on the Metal Archives site though.

The Golem is another candidate I would consider replacing.
Doomwatcher said:
I would probably replace Descend into The Absurd. Not that I find it unremarkable but, in my opinion, it lacks variation in terms of song structure to maintain consistency in comparison to Slumber of Sullen Eyes. It reminds me more of Bolt Thrower fused with melody that echo the technique used by the Swedish DM bands than of Demigod. I concur with the similarities of Autopsy mentioned in your review on the Metal Archives site though.

Yeah, I might edit that review a little, I've been listening to the Demigod recently for the first time in a good while and it's not really so much like the Fleshcrawl. I always thought of them both as similarly doomy, chugging, crushing DM, but I concede that they're fairly different (not just in melody).

I do consider both Nespithe and Descend into the Absurd unbelievably disconnecting and organic in their own ways, however. Whilst Fleshcrawl's structure isn't necessarily as varied as Demigod's, it's extremely subtle and well refined, I can't really fault it.

A Velvet Creation is sitting just outside the list, it can be melodramatic on occasion which subtracts from its appeal.
V.V.V.V.V. recommended me Busdriver, and I've been listening to some of their songs today. It's very interesting. It reminds me of Mr. Bungle somewhat, which is good.
Décadent said:
Good Greek bands? Recommendations?

Varathron - His Majesty At The Swamp
Necromantia/Varathron - Black Arts Lead To Everlasting Sins
Necromantia - Scarlet Evil Witching Black
Rotting Christ - Thy Mighty Contract
Wolfnacht - Heidentum
The Shadow Order - Raise the Banners
Kawir - To Cavirs
Stutthof - Towards Thy Astral Path...
I believe all of those are black metal.

Everyone listen to Saprogenic. Imagine Gorgasm with a cleaner, more melody-based guitar tone, copulating with Cannibal Corpse and their lyrical themes and all their technical moments, plus Immolation's guitar tone and general feel at times, PLUS Origin's brutally fast approach.


EDIT: Oops forgot mp3z~!!!

listening to The Axis of Perdition Deleted Scenes From The Transition Hospital. This is definitely their most surreal and well thought out album to date. Less chaotic than Ichneumon. It carries on in the vein of Physical Illucinations...

the sound effects, ambience and music is much better.
Gallantry over Docility said:
Varathron - His Majesty At The Swamp
Necromantia/Varathron - Black Arts Lead To Everlasting Sins
Rotting Christ - Thy Mighty Contract
Wolfnacht - Heidentum
The Shadow Order - Raise the Banners
Kawir - To Cavirs
Stutthof - Towards Thy Astral Path...

No Scarlet Evil Witching Black?