The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Miasma - Drowning In Blood has the coolest acoustic section(s) ever.

I don't care for that acoustic part to be honest. I have changes on cd along with a bonus e.p. I find the drum sound and playing really takes away from the cd, the drums sound loud and sloppy. If changes had the production on 'the long songs e.p' I would enjoy it more. I think that one song on the long songs sounds more focused(to bad it's just one new song). I think the song is called 'a love song(to alittle lost girl). great track
Hirilorn- Legends of evil and eternal death

This cd from members of Deathspell Omega is quickly becoming the best black metal cd I have ever heard. The drumming is very powerful, and a much crunchier sound then what I hear from majority of Black Metal bands, and incorporates very odd rythyms. The guitar solo on "The Legion That Will Never Fall" is absolutely incredible.

Any opinions on this band and/or cd

edit: There are many guitar solo's on "The Legion That Will Never Fall" and I'm referring to the second solo section.
Hirilorn- Legends of evil and eternal death

This cd from members of Deathspell Omega is quickly becoming the best black metal cd I have ever heard. The drumming is very powerful, and a much crunchier sound then what I hear from majority of Black Metal bands, and incorporates very odd rythyms. The guitar solo on "The Legion That Will Never Fall" is absolutely incredible.

Any opinions on this band and/or cd

edit: There are many guitar solo's on "The Legion That Will Never Fall" and I'm referring to the second solo section.

Fuck yeah! Hirilorn has been kicking my ass all over the place. Great evil, melodic, powerful black metal. :kickass:

Finally put on I - Between Two Worlds, and this is some great Blackened Heavy Metal.
Hell yeah, Belial has been killing me recently. I need to track down their full-length Never Again.

I've also been loving Impaled Nazarene's Ugra Karma and Archgoat's Angelcunt: Tales of Desecration. Speaking of which, can anyone offer opinions on Archgoat's newer material?
Belial is good. The problem is how short 'gods of the pit' and 'wisdom of darkness' are, and both have the same songs. Probably the least ammount of music I have heard on cds before(shorter than grind and punk cds). You start getting into both and it's over so fast. Wisdom of Darkness seems to have a lot of interlude tracks and barely any music. 'Never Again' is what I want from them. I regret bidding on wisdom of darkness over this album. Belial seems to actually craft and finish songs on this album.
I don't care for that acoustic part to be honest. I have changes on cd along with a bonus e.p. I find the drum sound and playing really takes away from the cd, the drums sound loud and sloppy. If changes had the production on 'the long songs e.p' I would enjoy it more. I think that one song on the long songs sounds more focused(to bad it's just one new song). I think the song is called 'a love song(to alittle lost girl). great track

Is this EP any good? I've seen it at my local record store for only $5, I guess I may as well pick it up.
Good but low on actual content. You get one new song, a redundant ambient track, and a live version of Morbid Knocking , which is probably the best song on Changes. But I suppose at the price it's offered, Love Songs is a worthy purchase
Legends of Evil and Eternal Death is cool; breathtaking and outstanding on the first few listens, but then it tends to drag and becomes pretty repetitive. I find myself listening to the split with Nasav more often nowadays.

So far I've found fucking astounding, but the listen can be tedious at times. I just really got into this week so...

Also Algor- Úder pohanského hnevu has been very good so far in 2 listens so far. Another album that picks up in the latter of the tracks