The Top 100 Metal Bands of UltimateMetal! Read for details.

Some of the listed bands aren't metal(Tool, for example) IMO.

1. Maudlin of the Well/Kayo Dot
2. In Flames
3. My Dying Bride
5. Opeth
6. Arcturus
7. Ephel Duath
9. Electric Wizard
10. Pain of Salvation
1. Anthrax
2. Iron Maiden
3. Judas Priest
4. AC/DC
5. Motorhead
6. Metallica
7. Slayer
8. Exodus
9. Queensryche
10. Wrathchild
:hotjump: \nn/
1 Slayer
2 Samael
3 Ulver
4 Neurosis
5 Testament
6 Strapping Young Lad
7 Megadeth
8 Arcturus
9 Anathema
10 Death

This is too fucking hard- went with a cross between pleasure and influence and skill. Still I find myself leaving out bands like Isis, Dark angel, Carcass- a shame.
Too difficult to choose 10 in order. There are many that could make the list, but haven't. So in no particular order:

- Manowar
- Borknagar
- Scorpions
- Blind Guardian
- Rammstein
- Primal Fear
- W.A.S.P.
- Angel Dust
- Dimmu Borgir
- Grave Digger
It was pretty difficult narrowing it all down, but here it is-
My personal favorites:

1. Iron Maiden
2. Dream Theater
3. Savatage
4. Judas Priest
5. Anathema
6. Queensryche
7. Opeth
8. Fates Warning
9. Slayer
10. Amorphis
DiscipleOfPlato said:
Are people forgetting that this is the Top-100 METAL bands? I've seen everything from Rush to Tool on this thread...

Yeah, I'm guilty of listing Tool myself. I don't really consider them metal either. I just figured they're closer to being metal than just about any other form of music, so I said the hell with it and listed them anyway.
1.In Flames
2.Motley Crue
3.Dark Tranquillity
5.Iron Maiden
6.Arch Enemy
7.At The Gates
9.Dimmu Borgir
10.Blind Guardian

i will proberbly change my mind later though

good idea though :kickass:
here I go:

1.- Emperor
2.- In Flames
3.- Zyklon
4.- Dimmu Borgir
5.- Cradle of Filth
6.- The Haunted
7.- Dying Fetus
8.- Satyricon
9.- Nile
10.- Dark Tranquillity