The UK Rock media and Nevermore

Forever Nevermore

New Metal Member
Aug 19, 2005
I'm really pissed off today. Rushed out this morning to get the latest Metal Hammer anticipating a review for TGE and a feature and interview.

A tiny, but good review (8/10) and no interview. Despite the fact that the album is a blinder and NOT the prog death thrash album that headed the review, despite the fact that there is an upcoming UK tour this month - there is no backing for this wonderful band. I have been into metal for 25 years and I am gobsmacked. Even after 'Enemies..' was released MH only did a small interview in the 'Subterranean' (sorry about spelling :oops: ) which is mostly reserved for really extreme bands and those sad pathetic bands from Norway that wear black and bomb churches :yuk: I never even read that bit generally. Nevermore are a million miles away from death metal.

TGE got 5 (max) K's in Kerrang - yet again a tiny review and yet again no feature. They even had 4 K albums in later weeks in the 'best albums you may have missed section (Chimaira for example) but fuck all on Nevermore.

I am going to write to both Kerrang and Metal Hammer. I wish any or both of these magazines would back Nevermore - they need a break here. The music is so fucking good it just needs to be heard.

Credit where credit's due - Terrorizer did a really cool piece and gave a fantastic review (10/10 album of the month) - but they don't have nearly the circulation that Kerrap and Metal Hammer do. Here we have the album of the year and it needs to be backed. Where do Nevermore get this 'death metal' tag? It's probably putting lovers of more mainstream metal off before they even hear them.

I urge others from UK to write to Hammer (I mean they put 'HIM' on the cover for fuck's sake - that says everything doesn't it? :yuk: :yuk: :yuk: ), write to Kerrang!

That feels better now, I've got it off my chest. I can stop kicking the cat :tickled:

Laters :wave:
I think even though they have such huge success in mainland europe, and upcoming UK tour it's incredibly difficult for Nevermore to get popular here. Perhaps the promotion is lacking.. and I have read a lot of things about the UK being considered to be a sort of "metal deadzone". The other reason that has come to my attention a lot seems to be a total lack of interest. Generally giving an album a good review doesnt inspire british people to instantly go pick up the album. Perhaps it's something to do with the cultural climate here, similar maybe to what Nevermore have experienced in their native area. I've found it somewhat of a strain to get anyone into the band, even real hardcore lovers of metal music. All to no avail really. I'd be so bold in reckoning I'm the ONLY really big Nevermore fan in my entire country (please find me another if I'm not), and that's... probably about a 6th of the UK land mass.
I guess some things just dont go down so well in some places.

Peace. Out.
TheDreamingMind-whocantlogin said:
I think even though they have such huge success in mainland europe, and upcoming UK tour it's incredibly difficult for Nevermore to get popular here. Perhaps the promotion is lacking.. and I have read a lot of things about the UK being considered to be a sort of "metal deadzone". The other reason that has come to my attention a lot seems to be a total lack of interest. Generally giving an album a good review doesnt inspire british people to instantly go pick up the album. Perhaps it's something to do with the cultural climate here, similar maybe to what Nevermore have experienced in their native area. I've found it somewhat of a strain to get anyone into the band, even real hardcore lovers of metal music. All to no avail really. I'd be so bold in reckoning I'm the ONLY really big Nevermore fan in my entire country (please find me another if I'm not), and that's... probably about a 6th of the UK land mass.
I guess some things just dont go down so well in some places.

Peace. Out.

What country is that? If it's England (although I'm N.I. originally) I dispute your claim :) - there's Dervy_Metal too on this forum). I think it's up to us to do our bit. I have put a thread on my forum from N.I ( and I'm going to write to Hammer ( if anyone else wants to join in the fun). There's no point in writing to Kerrang! - one quick glance at their 'letters' page tells you all you need to know (what happened to what was such a killer mag?) about their target audience.

I also have the CDs blasting out in my car to advertise to the world (except when the wife's in it then its playing a bit quieter hehehehe).

Once I've written my email to MH I'll post it here.

I think there needs to be more promotion from the label etc here though - and if they could get a support on big tour like they have in the US (has Warrel said anywhere what it was like to gig with Megadeth again?)

I can't log in...
I'm willing to bet that if some finnish promoter (not like I haven't bombed them with requests) would have balls to get Nevermore here they would get media exposure at least on one of the three nation wide radio metal programs. I have never even seen an interview of Nevermore in any of the magazines or webzines though every album is reviewed by all the important ones. And I'm pretty shure the lack of interviews and exposure is only due to the fact that NM have never been to Finland. I don't know how much NM are selling here but in my hometown TGE was constantly sold out after the first few weeks at the local metal record store. [/endrant]
My email to MH in full - hope it get's printed... ('Fag' below refers to cigarrette by the way)

Hello MH,

This is a complaint!

One of the best metal albums by one of the best metal bands of modern days has gone by largely unnoticed by your great magazine.

I am referring to 'This Godless Endeavour' by Nevermore.

Firstly why did we have to wait 23 days after it's release for the review? (I know Century Media got the release dates on the advertisements wrong - it was released on the 8th not the 15th, but surely you would have had an advance copy?)

Secondly why was the review so small? Thirdly, why was the review header misleading (Tommy Udo is one of my favourite contributors but to call TGE 'prog death thrash' will, in my humble opinion, deter listeners of more mainstream metal. I genuinely feel this album could transcend genres because there's something in there for everyone. Check out 'Sentient 6' - if this was a single and well promoted it would sell bucket loads. 'The Final Product' and 'Born' have sing along, anthemic, choruses so catchy they just f**king kill. How many 'Death acts have sing along choruses fer feck sake? The album defies words for me.. it's sooo good.. heavy as hell but it's also accessible. (Similar to how Metallica were back in the day really...?)

Fourthly (and finally), where's the interview guys? No interview!! Nevermore are about to embark on a few UK dates - and even if there's an interview next month (28th September) the tour will be over before people read it. A feature in this month's mag could have got some more people to the gigs, maybe some more people to buy the album etc etc.

I'm really disappointed because I love this band so much - lyrically, musically, vocally - they are awesome. I was waiting for MH to come out and rushed out this morning to get it and my day at work was even shittier than normal when I looked through on me morning fag break. They could be huge in this country. HUGE. I know metal magazines have had to broaden their appeal and I'm totally fine with that - HIM etc aren't my cup of tea but - hey that's cool, there's room for everyone. MH do loads for underground bands (I don't think that Nevermore - if they do get an interview - should be confined to 'Subterranea' however) and new bands - 'Incoming' is really cool - but please, please get behind Nevermore. Other, (perhaps weekly) magazines have gone too far in 'broadening' their appeal and forgot us older farts and sold out completely. Not Metal Hammer, a great magazine that at 34, I don't feel ashamed buying (on the odd occassion I want the other one, I get my 3 year old to buy it for me and stand behind her in the shop berating her loudly as 'being too old for that shite'...) but guys you have missed the boat on this one. Please rectify?

Here's hoping....


PS See you in Bradford on the 23rd..
PPS (and don't print this but Terrorizer did a fantastic piece and review last month - put you guys to shame really)
Profanity said:
That letter will do absolutely nothing. That's fairly obvious but I don't object to you spending time writing it trying to improve your linguistic skills.

Go piss up a rope.


Let's discuss you losing your money instead, shall we? Boo-hoo. Write to Dear Deirdre and fuck away off from here. How old are you, 12?

I come to this forum to discuss Nevermore, and what I feel is a serious issue affecting the band in this country.

Please explain - how does writing improve one's linguistic skills? I'd be fucking interested to know. I was pissed off before but I'm fucking livid now.

Come to the Bradford gig and introduce yourself, why don't you?
Profanity said:
You keep saying that, do you have a thing for other mens plumbs?
Profanity, you have to be the greatest troll to ever spam a board :lol:
Profanity said:


WTF are they then? You need some 'linguistic' improvement.

Wanker! That's a better description methinks. You never explained how my writing something improves my linguistic skills?

Please enlighten me. I cannot fucking wait.

Do you even like Nevermore?
FN said:

WTF are they then? You need some 'linguistic' improvement.

Wanker! That's a better description methinks. You never explained how my writing something improves my linguistic skills?

Please enlighten me. I cannot fucking wait.

Do you even like Nevermore?
Dude your ranting...
Unregistered \m/ said:
Dude your ranting...

I know... apologies... but this guy has really pissed me off. I've had a few cans had a shitty day at work, try to stimulate some intelligent conversation here and this fucking toe-rag comes on winding everyone up.

If that was Profanity "
Unregistered \m/ said:
Dude your ranting...
" please FOAD
please stop arguing ON THE FUCKING INTERNET. Jesus it gets annoying. All of you say that "you come to this forum to discuss Nevermore", so do just that. If you're new here, alot of people just say things for the hell (fun) of it. Its not like they just come through your monitor and cause you harm for your opinions.

Scarlet_Malice said:

Cheers, babe.

If Pro***ity FUCKIN DARES reply to this I'll fucking drive to Manchester (shithole) and fucking kick him over to Fleetwood and back again. No I won't. Ranting again. Forgive me.

Y'know there was another guy on another forum and he called himself 'Crazyanus' it's probably the same fucking guy. Some fat, bespectacled, spotty, BO ridden 14 year old, with a penchant for older men, and a totally meaningless existence save for his gay porn sites and internet forum expeditions where he can wind up other people as revenge for the savage bullying he got at school from fellow students and teachers, and the kiddies down the street.

Jeez, I'm away again...

This Stella (beer 5.2% abv 568ml cans and I'm on my fifth) can alter one's rationality. I'm a pacifist and quite placid really. I hate idiots though, and by idiots I mean those who hurt others by their actions - either by word or deed. And as I said this guy has pissed me off tonight.

I'll just ignore him from now on I think...