the ultimate non-auto-tune production list


Enough Said!


IS there too much autotune in music today? Sure, but thats the way it is. the days of bands rehearing songs and fine tuning them before the studio are for the most part over

Joey--I respect your abilities and what you have accomplished. Do I like the bands you have worked with? No, but that really doesn't matter because you accomplished your job and made them sound presentable. Would I work with a band like Attack Attack (if my skills ever reach that point) sure I would. If we only work with bands of a genre we like--like metal for example, then why bother, its about building a rep and making money at something you enjoy doing. But if you can't work with different genres then step from behind the board and start a band that does that style of music because at heart you're a musician.
While reading some of Andy's old posts at Gearslutz I came across
"You can't polish a turd...but you can spray it silver!"