The Ultimate Recommendations Thread


\m/ (*_-) \m/
Jul 29, 2001
i've got an idea...

reply with recommendations of bands you like, and if you want write describtion too,
but--- do NOT discuss those bands here, i just want pure recommendations.
ok? :p

(it can be any genre you want... metal, gothic, classical, reggae, etc...)
Id like to recommend Subway to Sally and In extremo, both bands which make mediaeval metal... Subway to Sally are a really talented german band, though they dont get the attention they deserve, in my opinion; In extremo are also german, and their style is a bit harder, but not worse.
My current list of underrated bands:

Maudlin Of The Well - Radiohead meets death metal

Korova[kill] - Weird, aggressive, fantastic

Arcturus - Words cannot describe their genius

Neurosis - WILL mess up your psyche

Lycia - Dark and beautiful

Zoar - ditto

Summoning - Naah, you know them
Saturnus - "Paradise Belongs to You", "For the Loveless Lonely Nights" & "Matyr". One of the most under-rated bands ever.

Katatonia - All. Just don't compare them with Opeth goddamnit. ;).

Entwine - "Gone". Catchy with great vocals..

Slowdive - All. Especially "Just for a Day" & "Pygmalion". Amazing Dream or BritPop, or Shoegaze, or whatever you want to call them. Just amazing lay in your bed and sink away music.

Red House Painters - Both self-titled albums (yes there are two), "Down Colorful Hill", "Ocean Beach" & "Songs for a Blue Guitar". Extremely depressive and emotionally powerful acoustic based rock band. Mike (Opeth) was _majorly_ influenced by this singers (Mark Kozelek) vocals.. _extremely_ similar..

Songs: Ohia - "Ghost Tropic" & "The Lioness". Somewhat in the vein of Red House Painters, but not exactly. Brilliant song writer in Jason Molina. Once again, very depressive. "Ghost Tropic" is a very DARK affair, I can't even classify the music.. uses world instruments and all kinds of other stuff, I highly recommend it.. very personal album to me. "The Lioness" is more standard song-structure base, but also amazingly written and powerful.. slightly on the indie-rock side of things I suppose.
Band recommendations:

Black Sabbath, Fields of the Nephilim, The Black League, Arcturus, Genesis, Rush, Alamaailman Vasarat, King Crimson, Madder Mortem, Höyry-Kone, Ved Buens Ende..., Benighted Leams, Rakoth, The Nefilim, Massive Attack, Ulver, Emperor, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, Amon Düül II, In Slaughter Natives, In the Woods..., The Protagonist, Amen (not the American one), The Mighty Kohn, Towering Inferno, Photek, Tangerine Dream, Current 93, Front Line Assembly, Björk, Borknagar, Korovakill, Ephel Duath, Circle, Mayhem, Wigwam, Pekka Pohjola, Diamanda Galás, Agalloch, Cradle of Filth... etc.

All these group have one characteristic that can be used to describe them, and that is 'class'.

(Btw, Forlorn Soul - are you by any chance a fan of This Empty Flow, judging by your domain name? I have two of their CDs, the atmosphere is amazing.)
Originally posted by Hannu Mutanen
(Btw, Forlorn Soul - are you by any chance a fan of This Empty Flow, judging by your domain name? I have two of their CDs, the atmosphere is amazing.)

Yeah, This Empty Flow fucking rules. Great Cure "Distinigration" style moods, minus any cheesiness.. too bad TEF are no more..
KREATOR. Because they are the best. No other recommendations, because you won't need anything else (I mean, there's plenty of Kreator to start with - then come the other bands).
too bad TEF are no more...

Yes, that is a shame. What is rather interesting though that Jori Sjöroos embarked upon quite a different style with his newest project, Fu-Tourist. Have you heard it? The music is rather interesting, fusing elements of old electronic music with some kitschy pop elements. Odd in a way, and what is even more odd is that he is selling rather well here in Finland.
great recommendation! thanks!

please don't let this thread die
i want more music! :)