The (Un) Official Homebrew Thread?

Climb Thar Hill

not family oriented
Jan 23, 2006
Tomb of the Giants
I know Swizzlepiss and his comrades brew there own and I vaguely recall Moodsniffer stating that he was beginning to brew his own beer.

Reign in Daisies and myself are about to start brewing our own beer in a short amount of time. Just curious if anyone else was into homebrewing?
I used to be with the old man, but we stopped for now...

Still have the carboys and everything, might start up again.

However, I do have 5 gallons of mead in a carboy in the closet starting to get to age.
I have not done my own brewing yet. Some day I will, but I've been waiting until I own my own house, so when shit starts blowing up I won't feel bad about ruining someone else's property.

Also, I was just talking about this pedal from Homebrew LOLLERZ:

We'll be picking up a kit that has all the shit we need for brewing (fermenter, carboys, strainers, bottlers, etc).

Are you guys solely doing malt extract brewing still? Details and info plz!

^ In regards to swizzle, doomy, and ericT
Yeah, malt extracts aren't too bad at all, we are thinking about going all-grain in a while.
So Climb Thar Hill and I, went to the Maltose Falcons monthly Pilsener pillage in Woodland Hillls. This is where they roast a wimpy yellow fizzy beer drinker by their tail bone until they submit by screaming 30 "Hail Lord Aventinus'". It was a pleasant morning, and I learned quite a bit from these veteranos of the brew circle. Though it was quite awkward to be the only 2 in attendance for a demonstration that was basically done in a backyard. I now feel somewhat prepared for the hops that await my alechitecture design. We went with an Irish Stout starter kit for the first round to get our feet wet. The subsequent batches will be devious concoctions whose mighty bite will be unrelenting to even the most experienced of palettes. Sam Adams, step aside Jobloni.
Our elixir must be potent enough for all the young German lassies when we hit up Wacken in 2018.


Is that Maren on the right?!?! Dunno, but the dame on the left has cute cleavage.