The Official Good Television Thread


My Larpstyle determines my Derpstyle
Sep 6, 2006
Arse End
Ok this thread is for discussion and recommendation of TV that doesn't suck. Old or new. I'm in need of some quality viewing.

Breaking Bad was the last really good series I've seen. It's a shame that the writer's strike cut it short. I've put myself through Skins and John From Cincinnati since and found the former an overblown unrealistic 'trendy' bunch of teen wank, and the latter intriguing and well produced but unsatisfying and too weird for its own good.

I'm really missing shows like The Sopranos, Deadwood and Six Feet Under. Also good comedy like Flight Of The Conchords and The Mighty Boosh have been great fairly recently but I haven't heard of any good new comedy on the horizon.
I love the idea of this thread.
I've thought about starting a thread like this for a while. Kinda like the movie thread... only TV.
No ideas to add right now, because I'm drunk... but I normally enjoy comedies.
Watch How I Met Your Mother and Two and a Half Men... especially the first... my favorite non-cartoons not named Sportscenter.

Really want to start watching Lost during this time off from school, never heard anything bad, so I figure I would take a chance.
I've put myself through Skins and John From Cincinnati since and found the former an overblown unrealistic 'trendy' bunch of teen wank

Oh my word Skins is so bad. I want to kill everyone involved with that show... apart from Simon Amstell, he's hilarious, love Never Mind The Buzzcocks.

Also good comedy like Flight Of The Conchords and The Mighty Boosh have been great fairly recently but I haven't heard of any good new comedy on the horizon.

Speaking of comedy, have you or anyone else been watching the new series of Peep Show? (I seem to remember you saying you were a fan, though I may have imagined it). The latest episode was probably the greatest yet.
I really enjoy watching the British Extras, and as mundane as it may sound, The New Adventures of Old Christine(starring Julia Louis Dreyfus of Seinfeld fame), though the show is somewhat as hit and miss affair. The guy who plays her ex-husband in the show is a quite an irritating character, with that permanent silly grin on his face, it kills the punch of most of his lines(can't recall if he actually has any good ones).

Two and a half men is also a pretty damn great sitcom.
Really want to start watching Lost during this time off from school, never heard anything bad, so I figure I would take a chance.

I'm a huge fan of this series. The fourth season is absolutely insane. Benjamin Linus must be one of the best fictional characters ever.
I rarely watch television anymore. But when I do, it's either...

24 - when it's a new season
Jeopardy - when I'm with my parents or friends
The X Files - re-runs on Sci-Fi that I'd watch every weekday afternoon. But now I'm back home and we don't get cable.
The Situation Room on CNN - I watch this when the X Files aren't on. Helps me keep updated on politics and current events. And Wolf Blitzer is badass.
I'm way, way into Lost.

Season four is just about over, and this show just gets more intriguing! A lot of people might complain that too many questions have been left unanswered- the first things that come to my mind are the statue and the numbers-, but if you think about it, you can figure a lot of things out. I also believe that it'll tell us everything we need to know soon enough. If there's one thing I've learned from watching this show, it's that nothing is without purpose. Everything they do or say is deliberate.

It's the kind of show that you really need to watch from the beginning, so if you're not into it, you should rent or buy the first season and got from there (if the pilot doesn't grab you, give it another episode or two). I was thinking just yesterday about starting a Lost thread, but maybe I'll see if there's enough interest. Or maybe it could just wait until next season.
Satanstoenail, you might like It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia. It's a black comedy on FX and it's hilarious (I think).




I'd also suggest Arrested Development.
The latest season of Lost has been great. Really looking forward to the 3 hour finale.

Battlestar Galactica Season 4 has been great also.

As for other shows, everyone must see all 2 seasons of Dexter! NOW. Best show ever.
I still watch Jeopardy and Seinfeld reruns too.
Lately, been hooked on;
"Owen & Olly living w/ the Mek tribe"
"Bizaar foods w/ Andrew Zimmern"
"The Deadliest Catch" kingcrag fishing in the Bering sea.

...all these usually take a back-seat to the Hometown sports teams or most sports playoff games.
I used to watch 24, now i am bored of that series. I suggest you to watch Prison Break, fuckin' awesome series, i started watching season 3, and it is the best series out there.
i am a huge west wing fan. i love the sharp and witty writing, and the casting was top notch.

i can watch the entire series over and over. actually, i usually do, when i have no movies to watch