The Official Say Anything Thread

Just finished "Apocalypse Now," the Redux version, just released on bluray, with a brand new restoration supervised by Coppola himself. Utterly breathtaking movie, but made even more so with this new print. I got the full disclosure edition, which includes the documentary Heart of Darkness. Just.Awesome.
Well, just to say anything.
My name is Abel Hampton Helaman Goodwin, please don't steal my identity.
I don't know if ya'll remember me from about two years ago? I left to Paraguay.. --well I just got back!


That is all.

So I watched this fucked up flick called "Grace." Check it out if you want to be disturbed. Then I followed it up with Antichrist with Willam Dafoe. What the hell is wrong with me?!

Um watch "Gummo." I'm still disturbed 6 years after watching that movie.

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Here's something even more creepy! :D

I'm having a hard time believing that's Symphony X artwork but if it is, it looks like a total piece of shit.

Fuck the 30-sec sample, here's the whole deal. :)

I think it's inferior to the live version cause I think the echo-y atmosphere of the live environment helped the song immensely. This one is still good though, lots of nice effects too. The chorus has some great vocal tracking.

So my little fantasy of the album having a more "wet" production like 'V' has gone down the shitter. Also the "loudness" is there again.

I'm not saying this album will suck though like PL did, far be it for me to be presumptuous. :D
But I hope they got that outta their systems and--like in this song--allowed Pinnella to do more than slide his hand across the keyboards on his way to grab a coffee. :err:

[/end over-exaggerated-worrying-skepticism]
Nice weather today. :)

Yeah, Korruption, I'm also curious about the new Symphony X album... I really hope that the songs are much better than the both artworks you posted here would make me assume.
Nice weather today. :)

Yeah, Korruption, I'm also curious about the new Symphony X album... I really hope that the songs are much better than the both artworks you posted here would make me assume.

The keyboards are back too. :popcorn: I was going to post up some 1:30-ish previews that someone on Youtube kindly posted but Nuclear Blast took them down cause hey; leaving people nearly completely in the dark about the product they pre-ordered is such a brilliant move to promote potential sales and hype... Then again "The End of Innocence" and "Dehumanized" were released in their full versions so I'll shut up about that. :D Unfortunately, the only other way I know to find samples of the rest of the songs is through the iTunes store, and they are merely 30 seconds. :(

On a personal note: I was in a long motive denial that I was even a Symphony X fan anymore as since they opted for the heavier, screamy approach, I didn't find it to my liking but what the hell it's still good stuff. PL was flawed but I think they worked some of the elements out and--like I said earlier--placed the keyboards up a little. :kickass:

Also I couldn't resist the special T-shirt/signed picture/2-CD digipack offer. :D