The (Un)official write anything you want page

yo people who dont know what the word "penultimate" means should stop using it

thats all
those floaties are the only thing giving them a buffer of at least a few inches from the hoards of other floaties, without them its just a billion chinese cuddling in a giant swimming pool of piss

yeah, that makes sense. I guess it's to carve out 1sq. ft of real estate for themselves.
When I was a young gnome, I was falling asleep one night and realized I had a booger in my nose. Normally I'd just pick it and wipe on the floor (children are disgusting), but this booger was pretty gross, so I did the only smart thing I could think of: I put it back in my nose. Honestly that was one of my life's worst decisions. I'm still routinely haunted by thoughts of Cold Booger all these many years later.
I ran over a squirrel on my way back from work. Little dickens took too big of a lead off first and ended up far in the right hand lane. He immediately 180d as he saw my approach, but wasn't deft enough to dodge my indifference. Felt kind of shitty when I looked back through my rear view.

Thus far I've dispatched a opossum, kitten, and now squirrel under my rubber.

yeah, asians are as weird as hell
but sometimes they're weird in the awesome way
like making smaller versions of huge american things
and Japan invented Super Mario, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Link and Zelda
I never want to get married again. All of this planning is too much aggravation. Flowers? Why do we have to have so many goddamned flowers? Ugh, mothers.

My reception is going to rock some cocks, though. My good friend is going to shut down his Indian restaurant for a few hours and make us a kickass buffet for 70 people. His front counter will be turned into a bar, and it's just going to be awesome. :kickass:
Thanks for the wedding invite Cara, truly appreciate the sentiment. I won't be coming anywhere near Dallas this year unfortunately. The plans were tinkering on a fence as is, and today I got hit with a $2000 plumbing bill for a house I don't fucking live in, yet am responsible for. Blehhhhhhh
I know Demilich is traveling the US now, but why did he quit RC???? I was only kidding when I called him a bad poster.
man, I think I might have to go north of the border soon to kick some ass. my first cuz has been calling us that her hubby is beating the crap out of her.
they have a small girl like our kids age and the guy is a major asshole it seems. never met the guy but ...
just spoke with her and she was trying to reason it all out on the phone as a period that "passed" yet the last 30 seconds of the call she panicked as she saw him coming home and hung up on me in sheer terror.

thing is she's a lamb hanging onto religious values that i think is trying to reason this abuse into something it will never be.
Is it weird and/or wrong to be wishing for certain people to die, plain and simple? ‘cause I find it to be the case more and more often. Maybe it’s a thing aging-related, like it’s increasingly hard to cope with the idea that complete assholes are probably going to outlive you ‘cause they’re younger. I dunno, just a passing thought.
no i think it is natural

i dont think you should start going around murdering people though, that's kind of crossing the line imo