The (Un)official write anything you want page

I dont mean financially

because you gots a baby
Werent you already laid up for quite awhile? And now you will be again?
Your wife is doing all the work in other words

youre an invalid :loco:
Since Firefly rules so much I thought I would actually give Buffy: The Vampire Slayer a shot and I am not disappointing. Yup, I said it. Growing up it was always considered a chick-show of course so I never bothered.
back from Polandia ... seen some cool shit and was literally drinking every night with my wife's nutso loud family ... holy crap it was not easy being in the same house with this crew.
pics pending ...
Some facts:
-My fiance, who works at a hospital as a public safety officer, tested positive today for Tuberculosis. They first did a skin test--as required for all hospital employees each year--which turned out looking suspicious, so they tested his blood. Sho' nuff.
-Last spring, there was a confirmed case of it at my school, but no action was taken to test employees who come into contact with hundreds of students a week, possibly even with that student. I am one of those employees.
-Also last spring, I was very sick and out of work for a week. It is my understanding that if you have TB, you can only infect someone else if you're actually sick with symptoms.
-I could have been sick with TB and gave it to my fiance during that time. Or, if that were the case and I indeed had infectious TB at that time, would the TB have gotten worse? Cuz I well again by the next week. Dorian? Dorian? ;)
-I'm getting a skin test tomorrow.
-Oh who cares, what's a bit of TB between lovers? Just gotta take some pills for a while.
Annnnd I'm definitely not putting this on Facebook because my coworkers would FREAK. OUT. My boss and her boss know, though, as well as the school nurse.

The album retells the events in The Silmarillion, beginning with an episode at the end:

In "War of Wrath", Sauron advises his master Morgoth to flee the triumphant Valar in the War of Wrath. Morgoth sends him away and reflects on the events leading up to his defeat.

In "Into the Storm", Morgoth and Ungoliant, fleeing from Valinor after having destroyed the Two Trees, struggle for the possession of the Silmarils.

"Lammoth" is the scream of Morgoth with which he fights off Ungoliant.

In "Nightfall", Fëanor and his seven sons mourn the destruction wrought by Morgoth, including the slaying of Finwë, Fëanor's father, and swear to get revenge on him, in spite to the Valar's disapproval.

"The Minstrel" is most likely about Maglor, son of Fëanor, who composed the song "The Fall of the Noldor" based on the Kinslaying.

In "The Curse of Fëanor", Fëanor expresses his wrath and anger and relates the misdeeds he commits, especially the Kinslaying, in pursuit of Morgoth.

In "Captured", Morgoth addresses the captive Maedhros, Fëanor's son, and chains him to the Thangorodrim mountains.

In "Blood Tears", Maedhros relates the horrors of his captivity and his deliverance by Fingon.

"Mirror Mirror" recounts how Turgon, in view of inevitable defeat, builds the city of Gondolin, aided by Ulmo ("The Lord of Water").

In "Face the Truth", Fingolfin reflects about the destiny of the Noldor.

In "Noldor (Dead Winter Reigns)", Fingolfin recounts his Noldor army's passage from the icy waste of Helcaraxë and the prophecy by Mandos about the Noldor's fate; he reflects on his own and his people's guilt and foreshadows their ultimate defeat.

"The Battle of Sudden Flame" talks about the battle in which Morgoth breaks the Siege of Angband using his Balrogs and dragons.

"Time Stands Still (At the Iron Hill)" is about Fingolfin riding to the gates of Angband to challenge Morgoth to a duel. Fingolfin wounds Morgoth seven times but is eventually killed.

"The Dark Elf" refers to Eöl who seduced Turgon's sister and fathered Maeglin, who would eventually betray Gondolin.

In "Thorn", Maeglin reflects on his situation and decides to betray Gondolin to Morgoth.

"The Eldar" is Elvenking Finrod Felagund's farewell to his people, dying from wounds received in saving his human friend Beren from a werewolf.

In "Nom the Wise", Beren mourns his friend Finrod. Nóm means "wise" and was the name given to Finrod by Beren's forefather Bëor.

In "When Sorrow Sang", Beren sings about his love to the Elven princess Lúthien and his death at the teeth of Morgoth's wolf Carcharoth.

"Out on the Water" refers to the last dwelling-place of Beren and Lúthien.

In "The Steadfast", Morgoth curses his captive Húrin who steadfastly refused to reveal the secret of Gondolin.

In "A Dark Passage", Morgoth ponders his triumph in the fifth battle. The song also relates the origins of the kindred of men and Morgoth's curse on Húrin to be witness to his children's tragic fate.

"Final Chapter (Thus ends ...)" concludes the album, speaking of Morgoth's victory by the "treachery of man" but also of the hope for a new day.

"Harvest of Sorrow" is the bonustrack on the remastered version of the album. Túrin mourns the loss of his sister Niënor.

The cover art for the album features Lúthien dancing before Morgoth, from "The Tale of Beren and Lúthien".

Fat chick I went to high school with posted this on Facebook.

Gentlemen (and lady): feast your ears upon.............. "God You Are My God"
