The (Un)official write anything you want page

No gas line running to our lil dead end street. Unless the neighbors signed a petition. Then it would cost a shitload of money to convert.

I have a real fireplace in our bedroom but we don't use it. I need one for our main living area as it's a huge room with stupid high ceilings.
You know I've never once gone to a store/consumer opportunity because someone was spinning a sign on the street. Is this the most ineffective advertising means ever?
That kind of thing is for your typical mindless consumer, who dont need something and *then* go to a store and get it....they want something, then go out and let someone else suggest what it might be
I go past the same corner every day, and every day the same dude in a statue of liberty suit is standing on the corner spinning a sign for some tax-fuckery company. I've been doing this route for about 6 months, and every day the dude looks more and more unenthusiastic and depressed. It's gotten to the point where he doesn't even spin the sign, he just kinda jiggles it in the general direction of the traffic passing by.

Oddly enough, I've been having this reoccurring day dream every morning that as I'm coming to the corner, he makes a dash for the street, ending his misery by assistance of city bus.
Once when I lived in Maryland, there was an anti-abortion group protesting alongside the curb of a shopping center on a busy street, and in the middle of them was a man holding a sign advertising a sale on Oreck vacuums (there was an Oreck store in that shopping center). Brilliant :lol: