The (Un)official write anything you want page

so they tested his blood. Sho' nuff.

Your husband-to-be will need to get a chest xray. He'll also be on some pillage for a few months.

I'm guessing your skin test will be negative. Let us know. If you want me to read it for you, post a picture ;)
Fat chick I went to high school with posted this on Facebook.

Gentlemen (and lady): feast your ears upon.............. "God You Are My God"

i'd reply with Spinal Tap's 'Tonight I'm Gonna Rock You Tonight'

she's no doubt too stupid to realize you're mocking her with a fake band that's mocking poor grammar in song titles, but whatever. i'd guess she's too stupid to realize a lot of things.
Your husband-to-be will need to get a chest xray. He'll also be on some pillage for a few months.

I'm guessing your skin test will be negative. Let us know. If you want me to read it for you, post a picture ;)

Yeah he got one yesterday. It'll be fine I'm sure. He just had a chest x-ray a few months ago for a different reason, and it was perfect. I told him he'll just have to take pills, and he can pretend they'll give him a buzz. Lol he would be such a pill popper if I wasn't around.

I guess I'm in the clear. Got the injection yesterday and my skin has had no reaction at all, aside from the little bruise where they stabbed me and MADE ME BLEED PROFUSELY FOR FIVE MINUTES. :yuk:

Another Facebook gem (from a dull broad I went to college with):
Life is speaking to you if you pay attention. Tonight there was a lizard in the bathroom. Weird. When I looked up the symbolism, I found this: "They are most strongly known for their association with dreaming and becoming aware of our inner desires and fears, promoting the energy of change."

Read that one more time.

From the same dumb bitch:
Today my little monkey found a razor (I normally keep it out of reach) and apparently tried to use it like mommy's lipstick. Failure. She came to me smiling holding the razor, covered in blood. Thankfully it was just a nick. Then, at her great grandma cookie's house, she tripped and fell face first onto a tile floor. Failure. Her sweet little baby tooth tried to pierce her upper lip. I am going to squeeze that kid so hard when I get home.

Scissors + electrical socket = I HAVE HOPE FOR THE FUTURE
So tomorrow is The Great Deceiver/Cov/Nick's wedding. I have to give a speech. He is nervous I will be offensive and will say my pals/faggot/cunt/cuntgristle/etc. This is going to be awesome.