The (Un)official write anything you want page

i just installed an alternate os/firmware (emcore + rockbox) onto my piece of shit apple ipod classic and suddenly its a sensible mp3 player, hooray

fuck apple forever
Uhhh does that talking snatch live in Santa Monica or some liberal faggoth sector of faveLA? Signage, extreme sports, Scientology, etcetera, have very little bearing on a resident's life, unless they're raking in 100k a yr. With that being said, this is by far the worst city I've been to, only rivaled by Vegas/San Fag.

Main problems,

1)Congestion up the ass! Not even Mucanex could lower the amount of traffic one is to see during the hours of 7am-8pm. Even weekends on the I5 are starting to become laborious.
2)Liberal filth running amok. Pinko commie liberals holding anti-war signs during heavy rain whilst Bush is in office. As soon as the man in the yellow hat ushers in his talking chimp, those same libs scatter, despite the magic carpet staying on course.
3)Taxes, taxes, taxes! This should be number 1, but I hate people so much that it drops down a few notches. Highest gas prices (due to taxes), highest sales tax 9.75 once again thanks to tards voting for bs last election, highest car registration, property, yadda yadda. Absolute fucking shit! On top of that the cost of living is through the damn room. A skid shack where the roaches ride dune buggies goes for a king's pence, whereas in Portland you can live like Odin for $750 a month.
4)Sprawl, sprawl, sprawl, with every sector being represented by filth. There's the gook part of town, the my pals part of town, the spic part of town, the white part of town, the armo part of town. There's very little safe havens lol.
5) Armos, has anybody ever met an armo? Picture a gypsy oozing with machisimo, driving a BMW, whilst exiting the grocery store with goods purchased with food stamps.
6)Gang central, this is everywhere though.
7)Shitty as hell downtown, by far the seediest downtown sector of any city I've been to. Is it any surprise that they film all the scenes for Gotham in downtown faveLA?
8)Shitty public school district, you DO NOT want to raise kids here.
9)Horrible mayor, who is a fucking clown.
10)Jaded residents writing anti-LA articles without knowing what LA is about. GTFOoLA cunt!

Positives about Los Angeles
1)Good restaurants, some decent pubs (albeit hipster)
2)Freeways after 8pm, highways are pretty cut and dry, you can pretty much know how to get anywhere just by knowing your freeways well.
3)I can't think of anything else, this city sucks balls.
faveLA hahaha that's priceless.

LA sucks but I get the appeal.

I live 75 miles east of downtown LA.

When I was playing music out there people had NO IDEA where I came from.

It was like a foreign planet. "San Bernardino, you know, it's about an hour away."

They would look at me as if I said "it's like Kansas, but on Mars."
WTF I didn't even notice. I'll go check and then also talk about the fact that I finally bought A Blaze in the Northern Sky.

If my posting restores the universe... you're welcome. A very sad welcome, but welcome nonetheless. :cry:
Oh yeah so apparently Romney and Obama are meeting today for lunch or some bullshit. I thought up their conversation in my head, basically they are just going to compare one another's internet memes and laugh accordingly.

Obama: "lol ur a wall street polygamist"
Romney: "lol ur a commie from kenya"
Obama: "lol everyone thinks we different but really not at all"
Romney: "lol @ america"
Obama + Romney: *secret Harvard lawyer handshake*
Oh yeah so apparently Romney and Obama are meeting today for lunch or some bullshit. I thought up their conversation in my head, basically they are just going to compare one another's internet memes and laugh accordingly.

Obama: "lol ur a wall street polygamist"
Romney: "lol ur a commie from kenya"
Obama: "lol everyone thinks we different but really not at all"
Romney: "lol @ america"
Obama + Romney: *secret Harvard lawyer handshake*

this is probably pretty accurate, but you forgot about the illuminati and stonecutter secret handshakes they'll also do. scumbags.
i said it before and i'll say it again ... youtube needs to consult with youporn on how to do video streaming right ...