The (Un)official write anything you want page

So my friend posts this facebook update
2 cop cars and a police helicopter called on my ass and I'm still alive and not in prison bitches!!!
more drunk please.

I think I need to call and get some backstory...

When I was 18 I had 6 cop cars and a helicopter pull me over with guns drawn. Two of my friends and I were forced faced down on the cement, whilst my other friend was frantically trying to exit the vehicle to no avail, as the child safety feature was on. Needless to say this pissed off the popo, leading to a nice knee in the back when he finally vacated. :p

All a misunderstanding mind you, the cops mistakenly believed we were cruising in a stolen vehicle. Granted we were up to some mischievous shit at the time, but nothing that felonious.
When I was 18 I had 6 cop cars and a helicopter pull me over with guns drawn. Two of my friends and I were forced faced down on the cement, whilst my other friend was frantically trying to exit the vehicle to no avail, as the child safety feature was on. Needless to say this pissed off the popo, leading to a nice knee in the back when he finally vacated. :p

All a misunderstanding mind you, the cops mistakenly believed we were cruising in a stolen vehicle. Granted we were up to some mischievous shit at the time, but nothing that felonious.
The misses would disagree.
Fuckin' Chicks :bah:
Top 3.715 Black Metal Albums For Me Right Now:

Ulver - Bergtatt
Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Drudkh - Autumn Aurora
Taake - Nattestid ser porten vid...
Enslaved - Mardraum: Beyond the Within
Negura Bunget - 'n Crugu Bradului

I wanted to include Agalloch but I'm never comfortable calling them "black" really, for whatever reason. Also they deserve their own Top 10 because most other things on this planet pale by comparison.
My job: large portions of time spent listening to music and finding nice ways to tell people they have a five year old's grasp of the English language
I'm posting this here because I can't find the Breaking Bad thread.

I've been watching all series on DVD over the last couple of months. It is definitely the best television I have experienced. Just watched the season 4 finale. Could not have been done better. Gus' death was the most perfect way of making the unexpected come from the expected. Amazing.
Speaking of TV, I'm so sick of the "Give a Garmin" commercial. *turns TV off forever*

I do miss this commercial though... :lol:
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hahahahah ... @ the comments

Are any of you guys following this elementary school shooting that just happened today in Connecticut? 30 dead, 18 of them children. Seriously, WTF IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE???!?!?!?


I've been watching the updates. And you pretty much sum it up. Wtf
Apparently the gunman is dead. That's really too bad.

In cases like this, we need to bring back public torture. After that, I'd skin that motherfucker alive. FUcking cunt piece of shit.

I was thinking the same thing.

Really, I hope the Mayan apocalypse takes place next week. Humanity has failed. It's time we flushed this collective turd down the drain.