The (Un)official write anything you want page

Ah the essence of humanity in one post. Something bad happens? Lets oversimplify everything so we can "understand" it and group radically different people into one faceless homogeneous evil entity so we have an enemy. And then kill it. And to think we call ourselves "Sapiens". My brother is severely autistic and he is the most sincerely happy and loving person Ive ever seen. Not once in his entire life has he so much as raised his fist in anger. Not once. Yet youd see him killed, just because its easier to just believe that "people with mental deficiencies" are inherently dangerous. Hah. Define "deficient".

Heh, I didn't mean to come off as a dick bruh.
This CT shooting was terrible ... how the heck did this guy even get into the school? Aren't there typically a bunch of guards in schools?
And the guns were registered and owned by his mom ... wtf.
This CT shooting was terrible ... how the heck did this guy even get into the school? Aren't there typically a bunch of guards in schools?
And the guns were registered and owned by his mom ... wtf.

I was wondering that. He had 2 guns right? And no one thought a school might not be a good place for that dude to be at? Guards are not guaranteed though.

Interesting. Thanks for the reply. Sounds like they mentally get stuck in infancy. Do they have any clue what could predetermine this?
Yeah thats a pretty good way of putting it. Theyre not really sure what goes wrong/what genes arent the way they should be. As far as I know they still cant predict whether the fetus will be an autist either.

RiA: Yeah I can be a bit touchy on this subject. That was a bit melodramatic.
When a Lil Fag who looks like a slightly older version of this


can acquire a .223 caliber rifle, something is wrong.
Kinda sucks to make a 102 in one of your classes, then check your transcript online to see an F entered for the semester. I know it's an error, but for now my 4.0 GPA has been tainted. They need to go ahead and fix this crap right about now.
During Lamb Of God‘s concert at the Armory in Medford, Oregon Friday night, frontman Randy Blythe requested one minute of silence in remembrance of the children lost in the Newtown, Connecticut tragedy earlier that morning.

While the majority of the crowd quietly paid their respects, a disturbing number of concertgoers made noise, talked and generally disrupted the otherwise peaceful moment.

After the concert, a shaken Blythe took to Instagram to express his disgust for those that couldn’t “shut up for sixty lousy seconds.”

“We, lamb of god, asked for sixty seconds of silence during our 1st set break to honor the dead children & teachers in CT. It seemed appropriate- it’s a goddamned national TRAGEDY. Most of the crowd complied, but several didn’t, some cursing & even laughing. I wanted to walk off stage.

I am so disgusted right now- if you were one of those who wouldn’t shut up for SIXTY LOUSY SECONDS to honor twenty MURDERED CHILDREN- go look in the mirror. You are looking at a piece of sh**.

Your parents are obviously pieces of sh** too, because they raised you to behave with no dignity. To the fans who were respectful, I thank you. I am also sorry you have so many goddamned ***holes in your community.

You should do something about that. This sh** would not have happened at a lamb of god show where I live, & that is a FACT. We have more manners. I am just disgusted. Thoroughly DISGUSTED. You yelling people give metal a bad name-screw that, you give humanity a bad name.

Grow up. Your parents should have beaten some manners into you, you savage little beasts. With that I will go to bed, say a prayer for those suffering, & hope for a better day tomorrow, because tonight SUCKED.”
One of the guys I knew from school when I was growing up has been arrested as part of the biggest doping sales bust in Swedish history. He is looking at 14 years in jail if I read correctly.