When you say he perceives things way more than 99.9% of ppl, what do you mean? Like what? I'm very interested. I don;t know too much about autism other than they are pretty brilliant but lack social skills.
Bit of a misconception. Not all autists have amazing abilities. If they do its generally in math (the ability to give you the answer to 86418646/864144454 in .5 seconds and shit like that).
The social skills are anywhere from very poor to non existent. My brother is 14 and still non-verbal. He would walk around naked if we let him. Clothes are not a concept he really understands. Autists have such a different perspective that they tend to live in their own world, more or less. My brother for example wouldnt give a shit about the action figure we bought him but would instead spend hours playing with the wrapping paper. It made sound, so, to him, it was the important bit of the present.