The (Un)official write anything you want page

Doomcifer said:
down the Ave. while holding a bottle of Pabst Blue Ribbon out the window. :kickass:
hahaha this made me laugh but if there is some greater allusion, it's lost on me. Only thing I can think of is Blue Velvet
best part, yes. And yeah, Heineken does suck. Was the first beer I bought when I was officially 21. Very bad decision on my part.

Sludgy Heavy Metal w/ Core vox? It's hard to label them as they are quite unique. They began getting lumped in with all these shitty shit shit core bands the day they began seeing an inkling of popularity.

Edit- Listening to one of the new tracks now. :kickass:
Some person told me how they encountered someone sharing their tax information on Limewire, and apparently tax information aswell as Social Security numbers are not that hard to find on P2P programs.
at my work, the program they use to print the schedule every week also prints everybodys Social Security numbers... they used to just black them out with marker every week, but you could still see 'em if you wanted.
Man, everyone knows I like to poke fun at all the Norseophiles around these parts, but Japanophiles are 23984723984723 times more fucking ridiculous and anoying.


Also, you are not Scandenavian and you never will be! /forgoodmeasure :D