The (Un)official write anything you want page

this is why I still love Romania ... Borat country all the way ... but so chilled out at the same time if you get to live in one of the regions mentioned here

Susperia, what say you?

"After sitting here and burning a big fatty, this struck me as extremely funny for some reason

N.Y. Man Is Stabbed After Coming On To A Lesbian

(AP) NEW YORK NYPD says a 28-year-old man was stabbed in the stomach Friday night after he came on to a woman in the West Village.

They say Dwayne Buckle is in critical condition at Saint Vincent's Hospital, where he underwent surgery on his liver.

Buckle was stabbed after he stopped a 19-year-old woman and told her she was pretty.

According to police, the woman pulled out a steak knife and stabbed him.

Police say the woman's six friends -- ranging in age from 18 to 31 -- joined in on the attack.

Police arrested the women a block away on charges of attempted murder and gang assault.

According to a published report in Saturday's editions of the New York Post, relatives and friends of the women -- who are all from Newark -- say they're lesbians."
someone I know is going on a weird rant about how suicide is justified because that if a person is stupid enough to kill themselves, they deserve to die, even by their own hand
Susperia, what say you?

whoops! apparently he instigated it by spitting on and throwing a cigarette at her. not that that warrants a gang-stabbing, but it's not like he just said, "gawrsh you're purty" and they extinguished his meek yet beautiful light with a gale of radical feminist rage. plenty of men have similarly killed other men over much less!
I'm just gullible as hell sometimes, for some reason that thought never crossed my mind, that there was something else he had said or did. :lol:
well hey it's not confirmed, it's just showing up in a lot of the other news articles. but it's probably true. nothing against you personally, i just really really hate news stories people latch onto because they superficially support their lame agendas. although i love when it blows up in their faces like that katrina voting bus story
I wasn't taking sides in it, just thought it was hilarious. The way it was making them out to be a gang of crazy lesbians. :lol:
Guthrum said:
Susperia, what say you?

"After sitting here and burning a big fatty, this struck me as extremely funny for some reason

N.Y. Man Is Stabbed After Coming On To A Lesbian

(AP) NEW YORK NYPD says a 28-year-old man was stabbed in the stomach Friday night after he came on to a woman in the West Village.

They say Dwayne Buckle is in critical condition at Saint Vincent's Hospital, where he underwent surgery on his liver.

Buckle was stabbed after he stopped a 19-year-old woman and told her she was pretty.

According to police, the woman pulled out a steak knife and stabbed him.

Police say the woman's six friends -- ranging in age from 18 to 31 -- joined in on the attack.

Police arrested the women a block away on charges of attempted murder and gang assault.

According to a published report in Saturday's editions of the New York Post, relatives and friends of the women -- who are all from Newark -- say they're lesbians."

That's disgusting.... If you think id' ever hurt a man because he told me I was pretty (or that I'm a lesbian) then you really do have a very wrong idea of who I am.

edit: ^^If he really did instigate it, I wish she would have been able to call the police... but by then i'm sure he would have been long gone. Maybe he did deserve it. I don't know.
I took a break from drinking Dew to drink a 12er of Dr. Pepper, and now I had my first glass of Dew sense then and it's like coming home to sweet sweet lovin'.