The (Un)official write anything you want page

Reign in Acai said:

I like this self portrait for what it symbolizes. How about doing a"Self Portrait Part 2, the aftermath." Ofcourse you're going to have to create a real life example to work from.

I could've sworn I cropped that with a transparent border...
My favorite "artist" is that fag Christian guy Thomas Kincaide. So many retards bought his paintings that he started up a factory where struggling art-fags sit aroundand reproduce his style and he sells them in stores at your nearest "upscale" mall. I don't think he even picks up a brush anymore. I just remember one of my genius coworkers gushing how he and his wife saved up for a "real" Thomas Kincaide. I politely nodded then went into another room and vomited in my hands.

ARGH ARGH ARGH i hate that guy, and anyone who likes his paintings because he is the absolute lowest form of artist, and i mean even lower than people who take a picture and then invert it in paint to make it creepy-looking so they can post it on deviantart
Trylakos said:
finally something redeemable

"title: I saw a man die today....

we've seen videos of people being killed. To some extent, we've also seen it in movies. While you sit back and possibly laugh at the video, it doesnt strike you very much because its just pixels. But its much different when you see it in person.

I was riding home from school today on my bus, listening to music and not paying attention to anything. As we were stopping at one of the bus stops, a girl in the back started screaming. I looked back and saw her pointing out the window, and I followed her stare. Out in an unfenced cul-de-sac were 3 guys. Two of them standing, one of them was on the ground bloody. The taller of the two men had a baseball bat and was about ready to smash it into his head again, when they realized a whole busload of kids were looking at them. As the bus driver radioed in the 911 call the other man, who hadnt been doing anything, took a pistol out of his pocket and shot the guy in the head. At this point the whole bus was in shock and glued to the morbid scene. The two men got into a car and sped off. When I came home I was visibly shaken. I told her what I had just seen. Then my mom got scared, she said "You're moving with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air." I whistled for a cab and when it came near, the license plate said "Fresh" and it had dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare but I thought "Nah, forget it, Yo homes, to Bel-Air!" I pulled up to the house about seven or eight and I yelled to the cabby, "Yo homes, smell ya later!" I looked at my kingdom, I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-Air"

I've had a particular riff stuck in my head for 2 days now, but I can't place it. It's very Morbid Angel-ish and I'm thinking it's either something from Gojira or one of the heavier black metal albums I've been spinning of late (this could be a number of things, I'm on a huge black metal kick right now), but something tells me I'm wrong. I hate it when that happens, although at least it's a good riff.
NADatar said:
I've had a particular riff stuck in my head for 2 days now, but I can't place it. It's very Morbid Angel-ish and I'm thinking it's either something from Gojira or one of the heavier black metal albums I've been spinning of late (this could be a number of things, I'm on a huge black metal kick right now), but something tells me I'm wrong. I hate it when that happens, although at least it's a good riff.
hoho i had the exact same thing going on for the past 3 days
convo with tully earlier today:

<egj> lol iv ehad this 2 seocnd fragment of a song stuck in my head for like 3 days
<egj> and i cant for the life of me recall which song it is
<egj> its pissing me off
<Tully_> hahah
<egj> its ridiculous
<egj> it's just someone going "UAH!" with some strange effects over it and then it goes into some sort of downtuned death metal riff
<egj> i dont even remember the riff
<egj> just the "UAH!" part
<egj> its driving me nuts
<egj> currently looking through all artists in my mp3 list trying to figure this shit out
<Tully_> hahaha that sucks horribly
<egj> it does
<egj> its really irrinoying
<egj> OH
<egj> i think ive figured out what it is
<egj> hell yes
<egj> or did i
<egj> yeah
<egj> i think i did
<egj> lets see
<egj> YES
<egj> there it was
<egj> twilight - woe is the contagion about 01:05
<egj> i dont even like that song much
<egj> uaaaaaaaaah
<Tully_> Hahaha i'm MEGA suprised youa ctually found it.
<egj> yeah i just looked through my playlist until i found something that reminded me of it
<egj> which was leviathan
<egj> and then i thought hm no its not leviathan but it is similar to leviathan
<Tully_> wtf leviathan death metal riff?
<egj> well its not that death metal now when i listen to it
<egj> but its not leviathan
<egj> its twilight
<egj> which is you know the usbm "all star" project
<egj> with like
<egj> leviathan krieg xasthur blah blah members
<Tully_> ahh, gangster.
<Tully_> ahh, gangster.

I remember last time this happened it wasn't a riff, but some weird creepy noise thing that I SWORE was Radiohead for days and then finally realized it was some Today is the Day thing I happened to listen to on accident later that week.
I hate when that happens too, but I can usually find out what song it's from by playing random stuff until I can find something that reminds me even further. The last time that happened though I didn't find it and it nearly killed me.
Six-winged Seraph said:
Anneke has the most beautiful voice ever :saint:

I haven't really heard anything new from The Gathering in years. Mandylion used to be (and still is I guess) a favourite album of mine, but I understand they don't really sound like that anymore. What's the best of their most recent output?

"Sand and Mercury" on Mandylion is a great, great song.