The (Un)official write anything you want page

Erik said:
of course but i doubt it would be any worse if they had ditched the vocal distortion, to put it that way

Yea, probobly true. Listening to that album made me remember I hate vocal effects though but at the same time they wheren't bothering me that much on the album, SO I made that post.
Well, I think I can understand his logic. When you get hit in the nuts, your stomach hurts, so maybe he was using some kind of reverse method.

"I hit the jackpot. Ooh I like balls."
Guthrum said:
They touched them balls real good like, didn't they?

I wish. I'm 23 and have never been checked for testicular cancer nor do I know how the fuck to do it myself. But this guy rushed like fuck. It was hardly a physical at all. It was supposed to be a full blown (hehe) 30 minute physical but he took maybe 10 minutes max. Yeah, I know I'm only 23 so I don't need a prostate check or anything but come on fucker, feel my balls!
Thanatopsis123 said:
but come on fucker, feel my balls!


Maybe he didn't like your balls, hence the rushing?

*EDIT* HAHAHAHA, sigged and it just doesn't look right next to the other quote. Any combination works.

"I'm 23 and have never been checked for testicular cancer nor do I know how the fuck to do it myself. But this guy rushed like fuck."

And the doctor says...

"Doesnt look like any balsac Ive ever seen."

I'm laughing so hard I can't breathe.
I had to have a doctor look at my nuts once. He went and told my mom my left one hung lower than my right, but everything was okay. To which my mother replied "just like your father." ........No really. I think the doc was gay. He creeped me out and his gloves were cold.