The (Un)official write anything you want page


Two guys just came to my door. It was obvious they were about to try to sell me something. It was also obvious these guys were new to this sort of thing. It was pretty funny to see how awkward one of them was. When I shook his hand and let go he didn't seem to realize I had already let go of his hand. Also, after I said I didn't their services he just looked at his partner and said " have anything you want to say?" to which is partner replied "Ummm...I guess not." Some people are just natural born salesmen. Not these guys.
Erik said:
here, our brave hero prepares to battle* the vicious danger snake...

* he doesn't even have a weapon yet

Is this a serious project you're working on, or are you just goofing around with it?
lol @ losers on myspace who are deppressed and not emo

" About me:
Im 16, like to hang out with my freinds... I liked to ride my bike but then dad hung it up in my bed room... I pretty much live a boreing life... - Myspace Layouts
Who I'd like to meet:
Any one...
Erik said:
well i hope to be finished with it some day but "serious"... uh well not really

Ah, ok. Whenever you get it finished, or into beta stages, you should let this forum beta test it. :lol:
My first day back on the internet in over a year and i'm already bored :/
Still, it's nice to be back.
circus_brimstone said:
Welcome back! I remember you even if no one else does. :erk: Maybe they do. :loco:

hah, Thank you :D I'm sure Nad remembers. Who knows if i left much of an impression upon anyone else though.
Necuratul said:
ok this is what is happening,

my parents are out with family friends, and they'll be back any minute so i need your help
If someone actually came up with this, it's sheer brilliance. If it's an actual account, the guy is so amazingly dumb that it, too, is sheer brilliance.
Necuratul said:
I want to play Harvest Moon.

I got SO addicted to Harvest Moon on the GameCube for quite a while. I went back to play it again recently but it's such a chore to get into it since starting out in the game is so fucking boring when literally all you do is look after your crops.