The (Un)official write anything you want page

:lol: someone random dumbass on my contact lists screenname :

(w) I love someone who I cant have (w) <3's kayla

I'd feel like an idiot if I was Kayla:lol:

to those who don't use MSN, (w) is a wilted flower
Haha, you should tell him to kill himself. That, or act like Kayla is your girlfriend and ask him why he's messing with her, and then just keep bragging about how she's yours.
there is some strange relation he had to me in the sense that he used to e-put-his-balls-in-my-mouth or something.

but since SOT archives are inaccessible, I can't remember what.
I just fucking spilled a drink all over the sauna of our house and then lit my hair on fire. Yeah, true story.

WARNING! This is what happens when you do drugs!
Reign in Acai said:
Were you following Everlost's instructions on how to initiate a femjac prior to the melee?

Thanks I guess. Wait.....I think Im being made fun of here. :erk: I actually left a helpful tip in that thread. Well it has worked for me before. Straight fucking usually doesnt do it for chicks they need so much freakin attention.

Spilling a glass of orange juice/cranberry juice/club soda in the sauna (which was not on as I use it to smoke marijuana), then burning my hair on a candle while trying to clean the whole mess up. Wtf. That was an interesting diversion.
Having your hair catch on fire SUCKS. Back in 10th grade, we were riding back to our home school from our tech school, and this fucking retard has a lighter and he starts burning the seats, and anything else he can find. Eventually, I felt something tickling the back of my neck, so I turned around and the guy with the lighter just looked at me like I was weird. As soon as I turn around to face the front, WHACK! It felt like I got punched in the head. So I turned back around and I could smell burnt hair. That fag had set my hair on fire, but my good buddy Chris jumped across two seats to punch me in the back of the head and put it out. Up to that point, the guy that set my hair on fire was a friend. He was hilarious, but extremely stupid. He would drop horseshoes out of the bus to smash mailboxes and stupid things like that. I had to walk around school the rest of the day smelling like burnt hair. I asked the guy that was sitting next to me if he even noticed or smelled anything, he said he heard my hair crackling as it burned, it sounded like Rice Crispies cereal. :lol: And the guy that put out the fire jokingly gave the guy the idea to set me ablaze. That guy ended up getting expelled anyway. He broke out of detention, got in his truck, fell asleep, and got caught. Luckily that was before I started to grow my hair out. To this day I'm paranoid of lighters.
Nile's Unas Slayer of the Gods still amazes me. The part at 9:38 fucking RULES my ass. Definitely one of my all time favorite songs.

you're a cyborg in a pistol duel with two other cyborgs. you have been programmed to fire pistols with an accuracy of 33%. the other two cyborgs shoot with accuracies of 100% and 50%, respectively. the rules of the duel are one shot per-cyborg per-round. the shooting order is from worst shooter to best shooter. thus, you go first, the 50% guy goes second, and the 100% guy goes third; repeat. if a cyborg dies, we just skip his or her turn, obviously. what should you shoot at in round 1 to maximize your chances of survival over time?
Trylakos said:

you're a cyborg in a pistol duel with two other cyborgs. you have been programmed to fire pistols with an accuracy of 33%. the other two cyborgs shoot with accuracies of 100% and 50%, respectively. the rules of the duel are one shot per-cyborg per-round. the shooting order is from worst shooter to best shooter. thus, you go first, the 50% guy goes second, and the 100% guy goes third; repeat. if a cyborg dies, we just skip his or her turn, obviously. what should you shoot at in round 1 to maximize your chances of survival over time?
id shoot myself for having such shitty fuckin programming
what I am thinking is that to shoot the 50% robot , so then I have a great chance of missing, where the 100% robot will more then likely destroy the 50% robot since he is more threatening , leaving you to last longer and if you are lucky, able to be victorious.
but then you only have a 33% chance of living

are you operating under the assumption that if you shoot at the 50% guy first the 100% will follow suit? then of course there's the 33% chance that you'll actually kill him and then you die.