The (Un)official write anything you want page


sorry if I upset you Dorian, and I apologize for making a mistake with a word:kickass:
Today, I am working as a "nurse" for a sick child :
He just ate an apple and started to beg for sweets. He swore that his father told him he would get a lollipop. As I was doubting he wasn't saying the truth, he said, very seriously : "If I was a liar, I'd tell you so !" (Si j'étais un menteur, je te le dirais !) - "Of course", I said :Smug: :lol:
I - Between two worlds, and especially the song Far beyond the quiet (dedicated to Quorthon, read the lyrics) rules mucho.
Indeed! They even dedicated it to him when they played it live at Hole in the Sky! \m/

I'm kinda disappointed by the album, though. I've loved every single thing Immortal has put out, so naturally, I expected great things from this record, but it didn't quite live up to my expectations. Not so far, at least.
I'm heading to Durham tomorrow for a conference at Duke and I'm going to look up the Dick and make him listen to power metal.
What has Conan failed that [some other dude] would have fixed? What did Arnie do instead?

Not a damn thing. So why not have someone who commands respect for being a behemoth of a man, as opposed to some four eyed, pencil neck, Iofstorm resembling, pita headed thief, who doesn't have any plans other than keeping his money backers happy?
