The (Un)official write anything you want page

I made a mix mp3 cd for my car and wanted to share the playlist with you.

1. Agalloch - In the Shadow of our Pale Companion (14:44)
2. Amon Amarth - Death In Fire (4:54)
3. Amorphis - Black Winter Day (3:50)
4. Ancient Rites - Invictvs (4:55)
5. Anthrax - Only (4:56)
6. Arch Enemy - Beast of Man (3:36)
7. At The Gates - Raped By the Light of Christ (2:54)
8. Bathory - One Rode to Asa Bay (10:24)
9. Blind Guardian - And Then There Was Silence (14:07)
10. Bloodbath - Breeding Death (4:25)
11. Bolt Thrower - When Cannons Fade (5:28)
12. Borknagar - The Genuine Pulse (4:50)
13. Bruce Dickinson - Tears Of The Dragon (6:23)
14. Burzum - Dunkelheit (7:04)
15. Candlemass - Seven Silver Keys (4:59)
16. Carcass - heartwork (4:33)
17. Darkestrah - Black Cathedral (5:24)
18. Darkthrone - Cromlech (4:10)
19. Dark Fortress - Pilgrim of the nightly spheres (4:14)
20. Dark Tranquillity - Punish My Heaven (4:47)
21. Dawn - The Knell and the World (9:03)
22. Daylight Dies - A Life Less Lived (8:23)
23. Death - The Philosopher (4:10)
24. Deströyer 666 - Trialed by Fire (7:10)
25. Dimmu Borgir - Stormblåst (6:10)
26. Dismember - dreaming in red (5:17)
27. Dissection - Thorns Of Crimson Death (8:06)
28. Dragonlord - The curse of woe (5:39)
29. Drudkh - False Dawn (15:57)
30. Edge Of Sanity - Twilight (7:50)
31. Eucharist - Fallen (6:10)
32. Falkenbach - Havamal (6:57)
33. Geasa - Guatha De Dannan (3:01)
34. Godhate - Promethean Ascension (5:26)
35. Helloween - Keeper of the Seven Keys (Remix) (13:51)
36. Helrunar - Frostnacht (6:30)
37. Judas Priest - Painkiller (6:06)
38. Kampfar - Ravenheart (6:43)
39. Katatonia - Black Erotica (9:08)
40. Mayhem - Funeral Fog (5:47)
41. Metallica - One (7:27)
42. Naglfar - The Brimstone Gate (5:08)
43. Necrophobic - Blinded by light, enlightened by darkness (4:02)
44. Nevermore - Next in Line (5:33)
45. Nocte Obducta - Aschefrühling (5:05)
46. October Tide - Blue Gallery (5:43)
47. Paradise Lost - Embers Fire (4:44)
48. Primordial - The Coffin Ships (9:58)
49. Quo Vadis - On the Shores of Ithaka (6:51)
50. Satyricon - mother north (6:25)
51. Sepultura - Arise (3:18)
52. Shining - Och Med Insikt Skall Du Forga (7:31)
53. Soilwork - Chainheart Machine (4:03)
54. Summoning - South Away (6:04)
55. Taake - Nattestid Part I (5:55)
56. Testament - D.N.R. (Do Not Resuscitate) (3:37)
57. The Chasm - Fortress (5:05)
58. The Crown - Angels Die (4:48)
59. The Haunted - One Kill Wonder (3:00)
60. Thyrfing - Mjölner (5:31)
61. Ulver - Capitel I - I Troldskog faren (7:51)
62. Vinterland - Our Dawn Of Glory (6:09)
63. Vintersorg - Astral and Arcane (6:55)
64. Watain - Devil's Blood (5:53)
65. Windir - Svartesmeden Og Lundamyrstrollet (9:02)
66. Wolves in the Throne Room - Queen of the Borrowed Light (12:58)
67. Zyklon - Psyklon Aeon (3:26)
Well that playlist kicks major ass and as far as the picture well..... ehhhh not really that depressing to me. WHen you are born in a povern stricken country and you continue to have kids and know that they probably wont survive or you wont be able to support them then thats really nobodies fault but their own. Its not the kids fault but the ignorance of the parents fault and I cant really feel sorry for any of them. Survival of the fittest and population control. Plain and simple some survive some dont. You feel bad about one picture but theres probably thousands of others allover the wolrd , so what am I suppose to do feel sorry for every single person in the whole world that is in this situation. Ive got to take care of my own life first. Maybe Im jusat being an insensitive ass because I have to work tonight and Im being pissy. WHats the point of posting a picture like this?? Why do we constantly need to see how depressing and sad this world really is as a whole?
You should try it when there's a hidden booger surprise waiting at the bottom of your coffee. That'll haunt you for the rest of your life.
Well that playlist kicks major ass and as far as the picture well..... ehhhh not really that depressing to me. WHen you are born in a povern stricken country and you continue to have kids and know that they probably wont survive or you wont be able to support them then thats really nobodies fault but their own. Its not the kids fault but the ignorance of the parents fault and I cant really feel sorry for any of them. Survival of the fittest and population control. Plain and simple some survive some dont. You feel bad about one picture but theres probably thousands of others allover the wolrd , so what am I suppose to do feel sorry for every single person in the whole world that is in this situation. Ive got to take care of my own life first. Maybe Im jusat being an insensitive ass because I have to work tonight and Im being pissy. WHats the point of posting a picture like this?? Why do we constantly need to see how depressing and sad this world really is as a whole?
Well that playlist kicks major ass and as far as the picture well..... ehhhh not really that depressing to me. WHen you are born in a povern stricken country and you continue to have kids and know that they probably wont survive or you wont be able to support them then thats really nobodies fault but their own. Its not the kids fault but the ignorance of the parents fault and I cant really feel sorry for any of them. Survival of the fittest and population control. Plain and simple some survive some dont. You feel bad about one picture but theres probably thousands of others allover the wolrd , so what am I suppose to do feel sorry for every single person in the whole world that is in this situation. Ive got to take care of my own life first. Maybe Im jusat being an insensitive ass because I have to work tonight and Im being pissy. WHats the point of posting a picture like this?? Why do we constantly need to see how depressing and sad this world really is as a whole?

The reason those people keep having children is that the only people that could ever care for them in their old age are their own kin, this is the way their society works and this is the only way they know to do things. Kind of like you being socially conditioned to be a complete fucking dickweed, it's not your fault you waste precious oxygen talking about bullshit like survival of the fittest, your parents were probably shit too. Understandable.
Easy for you to talk about survival of the fittest while you sit at your computer, everything you need within arms reach, but I would be willing to bet a lot of money that you would die within a week if you lived in these conditions. In fact, I would PAY a lot of money to see this, I need some entertainment.
The reason this picture is sad is because this innocent child died of starvation, but of course you don't have time to care about that, you're too busy talking about how you don't date goth chicks and being a racist brown-clown. Population control would be far more effective if we wiped out stupid rednecks who have been offered a good education and still can't be fucked using any grammar whatsoever, rather than children who would chew off their own leg for a chance to have the life that you have.

Grow up, grow some balls, drink bleach.
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Population control would be far more effective if we wiped out stupid rednecks who have been offered a good education and still can't be fucked using any grammar whatsoever, rather than children who would chew off their own leg for a chance to have the life that you have.

So true. It's like all the asian students at the universities in Vancouver who get straight A's because all they do is study and are driven to do well and take advantage of the opportunity they got.

Versus the average lazy ass north americans who sit there and bullshit about how much they drank last night, how stupid the class is or how it's 'gay' that they're failing (because they don't study).

Grow up, grow some balls, drink bleach.
HAHAHAHA. I second this reccomendation.

Nice shirt tully.
I figured sense there was a bit of a hubub about Mayhemic Truth/Morrigan in another thread that some might think it was purty.