The (Un)official write anything you want page

The reason those people keep having children is that the only people that could ever care for them in their old age are their own kin, this is the way their society works and this is the only way they know to do things. Kind of like you being socially conditioned to be a complete fucking dickweed, it's not your fault you waste precious oxygen talking about bullshit like survival of the fittest, your parents were probably shit too. Understandable.
Easy for you to talk about survival of the fittest while you sit at your computer, everything you need within arms reach, but I would be willing to bet a lot of money that you would die within a week if you lived in these conditions. In fact, I would PAY a lot of money to see this, I need some entertainment.
The reason this picture is sad is because this innocent child died of starvation, but of course you don't have time to care about that, you're too busy talking about how you don't date goth chicks and being a racist brown-clown. Population control would be far more effective if we wiped out stupid rednecks who have been offered a good education and still can't be fucked using any grammar whatsoever, rather than children who would chew off their own leg for a chance to have the life that you have.

Grow up, grow some balls, drink bleach.

100% agree. :worship:
Crush the lies
Crush the lies
Crush the lies
Crush the fucking lies

The time has come terminate the unnecessary branches.
Betrayers must die.
Jewish bloodsuckers try to kill our BLACK METAL FIGHT
by selling it like a theatre.
Today they receive our weapons,
the clowns which surround us.

Crush the lies
Crush the lies
Crush the lies
Crush the fucking lies

Dimmu Borgir are fucking clowns, gays, venal bitches.
They all sell their asses for a gram of heroin.
Explode the bomb on their gig?

Clowns of cradle of shit are perverts
trading in their defects,
singing with castrated voices of their teenager’s problems.
This is a pornographic clownade burn them fucking alive?

Crush the lies
Crush the lies
Crush the lies
Crush the fucking lies

The mother fucking Kovenant is beyond any hatred.
That homosexual bastard Nagash,
We should cut through his ass with a chainsaw.

what a painted mug?
these are the businessmen from Marduk.
panzer division Marduk?
Huh! Motherfuckers division Marduk!

Crush the lies
Crush the lies
Crush the lies
Crush the fucking lies

Ihsahn – bald-headed freak from “mystic” Emperor.
Where were all your mystics sold out?
or has it been exchanged for Israel’s citizenship,
were the money all you want?

After them all goes Nergal from Behemoth with a big fucking penis-horn on his forehead,so…he may put it into his asshole, it’s right place…

Death to posers! Continue to fight them! Crush the lies!
Don’t let them fool you.


Crush the lies
Crush the lies
Crush the lies
Crush the lies
Crush the fucking...
The reason those people keep having children is that the only people that could ever care for them in their old age are their own kin, this is the way their society works and this is the only way they know to do things. Kind of like you being socially conditioned to be a complete fucking dickweed, it's not your fault you waste precious oxygen talking about bullshit like survival of the fittest, your parents were probably shit too. Understandable.
Easy for you to talk about survival of the fittest while you sit at your computer, everything you need within arms reach, but I would be willing to bet a lot of money that you would die within a week if you lived in these conditions. In fact, I would PAY a lot of money to see this, I need some entertainment.
The reason this picture is sad is because this innocent child died of starvation, but of course you don't have time to care about that, you're too busy talking about how you don't date goth chicks and being a racist brown-clown. Population control would be far more effective if we wiped out stupid rednecks who have been offered a good education and still can't be fucked using any grammar whatsoever, rather than children who would chew off their own leg for a chance to have the life that you have.

Grow up, grow some balls, drink bleach.
This post is AWESOME.

That building looks like a giant bong! That dog looks like a giant bong!
You are funny nightmare. I never said I was a racist, how many times do I have to type the same thing over and over about my thoughts on racism before someone figures it out. ive said numerous times that there are good and bad in all races. No my moms kinda a tree hugger that works at a hospital where she saves people every day ( shes a respitory therapists), my dad is a computer technician for the department of labor and state buidling here in albuquerque. Oh and the comment about how NA's only talk about how much they drink, well i dont drink, i dont smoke , and I have never even touch drugs. Wow it really amazes me that you guys stereotype me so quickly and assume that just because i have certain opinions which are not always the most warm and accepting that Im a redneck,drug using, ignorant, inbred, alcoholic, that wasted my free education. Just because I dont feel sorry for everyone all the time doesnt make me a bad person. it makes me mildly insensitve towards the world. I guess if you only knew me that would make the difference. You only know me by what I type on a stupid computer. Chances are you wouldnt notice any of this shit if we were hanging out and just talking about life. Im all for portection of the environment and earth but i really dont give to much thought to the human race. Since when did most of you become so freakin sensitive all the time. You guys getbent outta shape by the littlest things. Some of you are very emotional people. Which is not a bad thing but to attack someone because you get irrate is a little silly on a computer. You know Ive never said to any of you that your opinions were wrong but for some reason you guys take every chance to attack an outsider like you are so much better. Everyone has their own flaws learn to live with your own Nightmare before you start spoutting off about thrid world countries, considering since you have a computer I would say youve never spent time in the middle of a jungle or desert and had to survive yourself like that.
learn to use paragraphs man, your grammar is worse then mine.

Well did you understand my point?
Yeah I did well in creative writing and freestyle writing in college but as far as enlgish classes as a whole, well lets just say I passed with Low C's. Also the brown clown comment you made Nightmare makes no sense considering Im white as a freakin ghost. I just dont get why everyone cant just have their own opinion and leave it at that. Whats the point of constantly arguing about stupid shit, Im not gonna change your mind and you are not gonna change mine. Its that simple. Yeah you just got up after being slammed and found your cellphone misplaced, sounds like things are rough for you. I dont even have a cellphone as we already had this discussion about cellphones many weeks ago.
Why dont you tell me about how hard your life is and if you feel so bad why dont you lead a nice little expedition to save all the poor little starvin Marvins over in Ethopia.

Does anybody else feel that even though they are highly regarded albums that King Daimonds Them and Abigail need more attention. I just love it in Clerks 2 when they play Invisible Guests.
You are funny nightmare. I never said I was a racist, how many times do I have to type the same thing over and over about my thoughts on racism before someone figures it out. ive said numerous times that there are good and bad in all races. No my moms kinda a tree hugger that works at a hospital where she saves people every day ( shes a respitory therapists), my dad is a computer technician for the department of labor and state buidling here in albuquerque. Oh and the comment about how NA's only talk about how much they drink, well i dont drink, i dont smoke , and I have never even touch drugs. Wow it really amazes me that you guys stereotype me so quickly and assume that just because i have certain opinions which are not always the most warm and accepting that Im a redneck,drug using, ignorant, inbred, alcoholic, that wasted my free education. Just because I dont feel sorry for everyone all the time doesnt make me a bad person. it makes me mildly insensitve towards the world. I guess if you only knew me that would make the difference. You only know me by what I type on a stupid computer. Chances are you wouldnt notice any of this shit if we were hanging out and just talking about life. Im all for portection of the environment and earth but i really dont give to much thought to the human race. Since when did most of you become so freakin sensitive all the time. You guys getbent outta shape by the littlest things. Some of you are very emotional people. Which is not a bad thing but to attack someone because you get irrate is a little silly on a computer. You know Ive never said to any of you that your opinions were wrong but for some reason you guys take every chance to attack an outsider like you are so much better. Everyone has their own flaws learn to live with your own Nightmare before you start spoutting off about thrid world countries, considering since you have a computer I would say youve never spent time in the middle of a jungle or desert and had to survive yourself like that.

Hey now, come on, I was just expressing my thoughts to you, let's keep it civil, yeah?

Yes I am on a computer, but I never claimed to be "the fittest", chuck me in a jungle and I would die within a day, but those people are much stronger than me, and you too, so your point is null and void there.
Also, "brown-clown" means gay, don't make the mistake of thinking I am racist too.

EDIT: Hey, no ninja editing posts during an argument! Very bad form.
Hey now, come on, I was just expressing my thoughts to you, let's keep it civil, yeah?

Yes I am on a computer, but I never claimed to be "the fittest", chuck me in a jungle and I would die within a day, but those people are much stronger than me, and you too, so your point is null and void there.
Also, "brown-clown" means gay, don't make the mistake of thinking I am racist too.

Well that was a total change in tone compared to earlier. Why make such a big deal then if you know you would die too? I dont think you are a racist and even if you were its no big deal you feel how you wanna feel. Civility is generally broken down when the other seems to be aggrevated and expresses his distaste with such anger.
You're missing the point, which is this; you said that you don't feel sorry for these people because it's their own fault, and that you believe in Survival of the Fittest", indicating that you think these people are weaker than you.
I am saying that we both live in a society where everything is comparatively very easy for us, we have food, running water, technology, nachos, etc. You are not alive because you're superior, you're alive purely out of circumstance, don't mistake the two.
You're missing the point, which is this; you said that you don't feel sorry for these people because it's their own fault, and that you believe in Survival of the Fittest", indicating that you think these people are weaker than you.
I am saying that we both live in a society where everything is comparatively very easy for us, we have food, running water, technology, nachos, etc. You are not alive because you're superior, you're alive purely out of circumstance, don't mistake the two.