The (Un)official write anything you want page

i saw rigor mortis last night, this band funerot opened for them and were really good, and really young, like my age...their bassist had a white-guy fro going on too, even more fro-esque than the nadfro
thats not very nice dorian.

That thing said exactly what I already knew. My Aunt's food is shit and killing me. The food I eat at home is pretty good.
Conspicuously Absent said:
thats not very nice dorian.
this coming from the guy who ejaculated on a costumers mushrooms and shit in someones yard. ;) apologies all around however even though im sure she knew i was joking.
i know you were kidding :p

And yes. I did shit in somebody's yard. Free fertilizer, he should pay me.

And the dude who got extra creamy mushrooms deserved it.
she hasnt come back though. i think she took me seriously. man, im such a bastard.
*banishes self from RC*