The (Un)official write anything you want page

lizard said:

oh dude i finally had pollo campero a couple months ago. the flavor wasn't all that it was cracked up to be, but they give ya huge ass pieces of chicken :headbang:
ct_thrash said:
bah, if you must know. i was out in my yard sunday night, the yard light was out so it was really dark. all of a sudden i heard this rumble off to the side of me, then behind me, then to the other side of me. when i focused on it, it was 2 fucking pit bulls, an australian shephard i think, and some shitty mutt, just ripping apart one of my cats right in front of me.

i knew i couldn't get in the middle of it so i jumped into my mom's car, bruised the fuck out of my leg in the process, and just honked the horn like crazy til my dad came running out. of course it was too late. "big head" was dead.

the two pit bulls and the mutt were from the back yard behind us, they've been getting loose a lot lately. the shephard, dunno where it came from. about a month ago the same thing happened and two of our outdoor cats were killed. by two different pit bulls though. i have a feeling they belonged to our neighbor as well though.

my mom's a psycho when it comes to her animals. this was the second time this has happened so she was trying to leave the house with a gun to go shoot the dogs down. very stressful trying to keep her calm enough to not do something like that.

my dad had gone to the neighbor's house immediately after it happened but no one was home. then my mom and i went over and the dude's wife was there. she wouldn't answer her door for a while so my mom just stood out there screaming til she opened her door. she apologized and crap, about not being able to keep their dogs in the yard. bullshit. ye can't have dogs like that if you can't keep them up. ye just can't.

at this time the three dogs were wandering around their front yard. animal control came and took one of the pit bulls away. when he came, the two others ran off and were not caught, though they were back in their back yard yesterday. we can't have them hauled off though until they get loose again.


Holy shit, I'm so sorry to hear that! :erk:

I would have shot them. The dogs, that is.
nah we went to a lil mexican place across the street from pollo campero. eating at pollo campero with karen is just a wet dream :Spin:

and thanks for the condolences everyone :(
Sorry to hear about your loss Cara, those kinds of stories really piss me off because that type of occurrence is so unnecessary and senseless. It's simple, if you can't control a breed of dog that is factually known to be aggressive, don't own one. Period. End of story.

For the record, I've been to Zod's place and I believe he has a Rotweiler and another breed. I've never seen anyone have better control over a breed of dog like that. He kept his dogs upstairs for the entire duration of my stay, letting them out only to do their duty in the backyard. The dogs responded instantly to his commands and were very obedient.
I love rots, they totally get a bad rap anyhow. Of course, they are insanely strong so I can understand why someone would be afraid of one.

But then again, nothing worse than someone saying "oh he's fine, he won't hurt you!" while a 200lb. mammoth is growling at a 3-year old. :rolleyes:
My big dog doesn't realize how lumbering he is, so first he jumps on you, then he falls on your feet and does a summersault which essentially knocks you and anything in a 3 foot radius over. It rules.
reminds me of our lab/newfie cross. People mistook him for a small bear. And yes, I know a dozen people who own "aggressive" breeds. They all TRAINED their dogs, and their dogs are obedient loving pets. The only aggression is to threats to the owner.

Thats the problem here, people won't put the effort in to properly train their dogs. Different breeds require different methods.
i dont understand the point of dog ownership in any place but a huge plot out in the country. these asshats who live next door have three dogs and live in a 1200 sf house. they take them across the street to a vacant lot to poop and then straight back in the house. its really sad.
Conspicuously Absent said:
irresponsible pet owners are the worst. It's the shitty owners that give breeds like the pitbull and dobermann their bad rap. It's undeserved. A good owner will teach their dogs how to behave.


Dark One said:
Sorry to hear about your loss Cara, those kinds of stories really piss me off because that type of occurrence is so unnecessary and senseless. It's simple, if you can't control a breed of dog that is factually known to be aggressive, don't own one. Period. End of story.


I want pitbulls banned in my fucking down. We have an attack on somebody almost every day. A 6 year old was almost attacked by one not long ago but his 8 year old brother saw the pitbull coming and stood in front of his brother to protect him. The pitbull latched onto his fucking skull, apparently doing a lot of damage, but the kid lived because the families Chow (you know, the dogs with the black tongues) rushed out of their house and attacked the pitbull.
Thanatopsis123 said:
seconded. it is well-documented that certain breeds of dogs will happily turn on their owner and eat them for lunch. one of these is the aforementioned rottweiller. hence, the reason they shouldnt be "owned". it's not so much that i care about people being eaten by their own dogs, it's that humans, even well meaning rednecks, cant control a 120 pound killing machine.

finally, guns >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>dogs
would you get in trouble for shooting the neighbor? im serious. we're talking about texas right?