The (Un)official write anything you want page


Yeah, Jesus was black, or at least pretty dark. If he in fact existed. Which I dunno. He was a hippy though. In theory.

In theory, Communism works! In theory.
Do you work at Berean or something? :dopey:

Well, I've had to bite my tongue about religion from time to time. That's more just being smart about not causing controversy in the workplace, where people can freak out and get you fired/killed without too many hired goons involved.
the fuck is Berean?
but everyone I work with is pretty much christian.
I stand there working thinking about giant battles between Dwarves and Orcs and wishing I could kill everyone with a sword.

Berean is some pisstian store out here, I dunno if they are anywhere else but I can only assume they are everywhere in the world because the money making aspect of that religion is bigger than Wal-mart.
Once in a Spanish class in high school we had to get into groups of three for something. I got stuck with two mega Christians who were having some theological conversation. I just sat out and listened but after about 10 minutes I just blurted out something along the lines of "What the fuck is wrong with you? That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard. Do you even listen to yourselves?" Surprisingly, that didn't go over too well.
Krigloch the Furious said:
I stand there working thinking about giant battles between Dwarves and Orcs and wishing I could kill everyone with a sword.
hahahaha one of the funniest things ive ever read on the internet ever

so where do you work eh?
Krigloch the Furious said:
My brain is a pure fantasy world. DnD all the time, metal, always thinking about killing people (as wierd as it may sound)

I envy you for being able to summon your "world" that easily. I used to have similar mind patterns until five years ago, well nothing about RPGs and stuff but the massive killings were a nice derivative.
Me and my buddy (aka bike mechanic) Paul used to debate ways to eliminate thousands of people at once. Our basic idea was to get a chevy econoliner. Strip out everything except the driver seat. Mount a chaingun on a pivot so as to face out the back of the van and one of the side doors. We figured you could fit around 60,000 rounds into the van.

Simply roll up to the canada day celebrations on parliament hill and unleash hell. Could probably get 10-20,000 people before you were eliminated.

And now for my "anything I want to say"

360 pages [of cisco CCNP] a day keeps the failing grade away!


for that course. Doesnt' include the other one.
Family Guy said:
[Brian and Stewie are on a German tour bus]
German Tour Guide: You vill find more on Germany's contributions to ze arts in ze pamphlets ve have provided.
Brian Griffin: Yeah, about your pamphlet... uh, I'm not seeing anything about German history between 1939 and 1945. There's just a big gap.
Tour guide: Everyone vas on vacation. On your left is Munich's first city hall, erected in 15...
Brian Griffin: Wait, what are you talking about? Germany invaded Poland in 1939 and...
Tour Guide: We were invited. Punch vas served. Check vit Poland.
Brian Griffin: You can't just ignore those years. Thomas Mann fled to America because of Nazism's stranglehold on Germany.
Tour guide: Nope, nope. He left to manage a Dairy Queen.
Brian Griffin: A Dairy Queen? That's preposterous.
Tour guide: I vill hear no more insinuations about the German people. Nothing bad happened. Sie werden sich hinsetzen. Sie werden ruhig sein. Sie werden nicht beleidigen Deutschland. (You will sit down. You will shut up. You will not insult Germany.)
[throws his hand up in a Hitler salute]
Brian Griffin: ...uh, is that a beer hall?
Tour guide: Oh yes, Munich is renowned for its historic beer halls.

:lol: Man I love that part.
