The (Un)official write anything you want page

once I was NAD said:
Okay apparently he was asking me to BUY this bass from him, like give him cash, even though he owes me $1,400.00. Well actually $1,500.00 but I'm letting that last hundo slide. What the fuck is that shit!??! Oh yeah dude, I'm really going to give you $900 cash when YOU OWE ME FUCKING MORE THAN THAT. Fucking prick.!

Wow, you seriously need to hurt this guy.
once I was NAD said:
Okay triple post because now I'm getting all pissed off again. :tickled:
Okay apparently he was asking me to BUY this bass from him, like give him cash, even though he owes me $1,400.00. Well actually $1,500.00 but I'm letting that last hundo slide. What the fuck is that shit!??! Oh yeah dude, I'm really going to give you $900 cash when YOU OWE ME FUCKING MORE THAN THAT. Fucking prick.
Bunch of assholes I'm dealing with!

yeah. NAD, your friends suck major testicluar sweat. Fuck them, move up to canadar and party it up! Or stay there and make some new ones. just get rid of these chodes. As much as I enjoy listening to Three Sheets, these guys aren't worth your time nor the stress they put you through.
hahahaha I love you dudes. :Spin:

Bland practice went fine today, except another damn drummer flaked out on us and none of us could play for shit. But we hung out and had a good time, and got to work on my singer's side project, which I'm playing drums on (very bizarre jazz stuff). I figure with this drummer spaz gone, and the fact that I totally panicked two weeks ago on these dudes by saying GET OFF MY SACK YOU AREN'T MY WIVES SO STOP ACTING LIKE THEM and both of them listening to what I said (it was more tactful than that), things will go well from now on. This was the first time I've seen these dudes in a few weeks due to the stress thing, and they recognize that and mellowed out on my ass, hope that lasts.

I'm still owed cash. But I originally told the dude he had to pay me back by August of this year, just he hasn't made any payments yet so I freak out on occasion. Yes I know I'm being nice (read: stupid) by letting it hang on this long.

Oh and I had one of the best carnitas burritos in history tonight, fucking El Colima is the greatest place ever. God damn smexican kitchen behind a gas station. :kickass:
Oh yeah and last night I met a really cool chick who I kept sharing cloves with, she was nice, smart, and hot. Too bad she was the girlfriend of some dude I was hanging out with at the bar, D'OH!!!
once I was NAD said:
Oh yeah and last night I met a really cool chick who I kept sharing cloves with, she was nice, smart, and hot. Too bad she was the girlfriend of some dude I was hanging out with at the bar, D'OH!!!

Would he be hard for you to kill? You know, just hypothetically.
Kobe Bryant scored 81 points in last nights game against the Raptors ... yes ... 81 points !!!
you know you're famous when even in small towns in Sweden people know who you are ... AND ... that you raped a white chick.

Lookiue ... Kobe Bryant ... umlautinnneee

So some people at work say that (because of my hair) I look like a guy in the bible.. Samson. of course everytime I hear that name I think of Half Baked.
but the guy brings in a bible today and says. "here its yours now, read that, you'll like it."
of course I pretty much have to say. "thanks man, this better be good."

lol @ when people think you or someone looks like someone or something in the bible - as if a) there were pics and b) the bible wasnt anything more than a myth

my personal fave is when people say so and so with long hair and a beard looks like jesus. in reality, the dude most likely had no beard, was very short and stout, and had real short curly hair.
