The (Un)official write anything you want page

MajestikMøøse said:
I've just heard flood

I haven't heard any other boris


but flood RULES

From what I've heard, go for Feedbacker or one of the live incarnations of it (Boris at Last - Feedbacker, Archive Records - Boris Live Vol. 2 i think, or the dvd of the U.S. tour where they performed a live version of it, but that's LONG ago sold the fuck out)
once I was NAD said:
Oh yeah and hey Demilich, I don't really like pickguards either, but this is why I have to have one on my P:

what kind of noise indicates that the truss rod needs to be adjusted? someone at a music store told me this shit once but i can't remember.
Yeah, I need more Boris. Haven't checked out anymore yet.

Hey you guys want to see the drama I've put up with today? Check out this volley of emails. 'kin BRILLIANT:
me said:
Man I got no beef witchoo because I don't have beef with anybody. This is why I now play the aloof dude in hostile situations, my whole "coattails" schtick. I'm not getting involved with band politics because I'm just trying to have fun, and as such, don't give a shit if/when it falls apart because up until then it will have been fun while it lasted. And that's all I can ever ask for.

So fuckin go to RBC tonight god dammit, I'll buy you a beer. But then you gotta bum me a smoke, haha.
drummer said:
uhhhh....I don't know how to take this letter, dude. Idunno if you either have no clue, I mean are totally "just out there like fuckin Pluto man!" (lethal weapon 1), or adding insult to injury with his whole "I don't give a shit..." statement. With what you just wrote me, it seems that you wanted the band to develope and progress to accomondate your 'fun' rather than get the band somewhere. If you never cared and was only concerned about the fun 'while it lasted', then I'm saddened to say that your motivations for the band were 100% selfish, by 1) not letting us know exactly that 2) continuing to lead us on despite knowing 100% full well MY intentions/motivations as well as Danny's, that we were dedicated to the cause, not so lax about it, and 3) trying to opt me out and place blame on me without fully understanding the situation before doing so. Of course, you may not agree, but as a member of the band it was your responsibility to care, to throw input into the discussions we had, and not be 'aloof', but to be involved. You didn't understand how much i wanted things to progress knowing YOU were my fucking bassist. However you did know how much i (and Danny too I guess) wanted to make something of us. So to say that you don't/didn't care one way or the other after the on open wounds, bro. I don't want to believe that you would be that careless, so I have to assume that you're absolutely clueless. These words may seem
harsh man, but they're not intended to be offensive. I know I said I hold no grudges, of which I don't, but at the same time I have to be comfortable knowing who it is I'm hanging around with.
me said:
Ummm, what? Wow this sure turned out the wrong way.
>I've never wanted to be a rockstar and I've ALWAYS
>made that clear to everyone, most especially this
>band. I always told you dudes I'd go along with
>whatever ya'll wanted, and because my goals were not
>to "make it" I was going to remain on the sidelines
>when it came to decision time, because I did NOT want
>to steer this band in my direction. Dude that was
>made abundantly clear. Constantly. Mike and Danny have
>always known this, and so have you, how many times
>have we argued over that in the past?
>But anyhow, my whole point to this email was to say I
>don't care if we were in a band and that relationship
>went south, because I'm still your friend. Maybe I
>should've just said that because now I'm being called
>careless and clueless, and ummm... wow dude. I'm not
>sure why, but everytime I try to reach out to you I
>end up getting insulted. So don't worry, I won't try
>anymore. I guess that'll make things easier for both
>of us.
drummer said:
yes because each time you 'reach out' you fail in terms of knowing what you're talking about. yes you made it clear that you were a gimp ass sidleine sitter with no ambition for the band, but at the same time we all came to the agreement that we put aside all that shit and get a common goal done. You said it yourself, that if this band WERE to go somehwere you'de flow with it. You ask me how many times we've argued over that, yet you fail to realize that at the end of each argument, we tell you , of which you agree to, be a part of the band, an ACTIVE one at that. I do recall very well bringing you into the conversation purposely to change the fact that you don't give shits, which made me wonder why you were in the band in the first place. You lie to me years ago saying that you don't want to be in a band of any sorts, that you just wanna jam, then outta the blue you're
in a band with Danny, Mike and Zach, and when he fails , you're looking for
a drummer to do what? just fuck around and JAM? knowing full well
Danny's and Mike's intentions? I think not. Talk about shit gone sour, man
you've spoiled a long ass time ago. I don't even know who you are anymore.
With friends like this, who needs enemies? I'm keeping this email forever as a reminder as to why I don't need this dude in my life anymore.

Oh, slight backstory, 7 years ago I was in a band with this dude and quit because I no longer wanted to be in a band. I quit playing bass for about a year even, due to god damn tendonitis. But apparently I'm not allowed to get better or change my tune, which is why I "spoiled a long ass time ago" hahahahaha oh man this rules.
Demilich said:
what kind of noise indicates that the truss rod needs to be adjusted? someone at a music store told me this shit once but i can't remember.
Fretbuzz, but that might not be the truss rod. Check Harmony Central for a write-up of how to adjust your truss rod if you need to (if they guitar plays fine and you don't have lots of fretbuzz, don't worry about it), just BE CAREFUL.

I can get into it more later if you want, PM or something. But right now I have to take a shit and my mind isn't quite working correctly anyhow.
Seriously. We used to be really close friends too, but every time I try to do something with him he ends up bitching me out about it later, after not going, because I'm not supposed to remind him that he's a shut-in I guess. Hostile pothead with agoraphobia. Bad combination.

New shitz:


Oh maaaaaaan that looks so much better than the ugly white.
dude ... your bandmates are fucking nuts ... plain and simple ...

the guy makes it sound like you guys were on the verge of signing some 7 figure record deal ... wtf is the drama all about.

isn't this the same guy that you said never left town? wtf is he talking about? even if you guys were going to "make it" would he go on tour????? WTF.

and your singer ... isn't he like 35 years old?
Dude yes, to all of that. What am I doing.

On the positive side, my guitarist who owes me $1400 is knocking off $900 of that debt by giving me his old Music Man Sabre Bass. I've lusted for one for YEARS, they stopped making them like 20 years ago. I'll now have 3 Music Man basses in my collection. :headbang:
once I was NAD said:
Fretbuzz, but that might not be the truss rod. Check Harmony Central for a write-up of how to adjust your truss rod if you need to (if they guitar plays fine and you don't have lots of fretbuzz, don't worry about it), just BE CAREFUL.

I can get into it more later if you want, PM or something. But right now I have to take a shit and my mind isn't quite working correctly anyhow.

thanks for the help! i really need to learn something about how guitars work if i'm gonna keep playing them. hell, i haven;t even changed my strings in fuck knows how long!

too bad about your band drama.. that guy sounds way too whiney to ever be worth talking to. FUCK that.
you know what all this sounds like to me?

a big BANG of reality hitting all your bandmates in the face ... and them somehow jumping on your ass because you went into this with realistic intentions in the first place.
lurch70 said:
you know what all this sounds like to me?

a big BANG of reality hitting all your bandmates in the face ... and them somehow jumping on your ass because you went into this with realistic intentions in the first place.

pretty true.

NAD, isn't he playing on YOUR fucking kit as well? :tickled:
"i dont even know who you are anymore"
hahahahaha. (this is the part where i laugh like homer did when he went to college and the physics professor dropped his note cards)

re: truss rod adjustment. im seconding NADs "careful" warning. take it to a professional. one wrong turn and your fretboard will be all twisted and its soooo hard to get everything right again. try changing your strings first and see if that helps.
ok this is freaking confusing ... the chick from last week ... the one that was all over me and I was going to blow off ... now turns is someone pretty damn smart in the first place and real firecracker ... and she is into my shit big time.

she is still confusing the shit out of me as far as what the hell she is all about ... but that freaking unspoken good belly feeling is creeping up on me ... and I am not sure I like it
Thanks for the support there fellers. :dopey:

Concerning truss rod adjustment, you don't need to take it to a professional just know what you are doing before you do it. Dire consequences await the ignorant, you could literally snap your neck in two (or 14 rather) if you fuck up. I adjust my shit all the time, just do your research and know what's going on before jumping into it.

Concerning women, aw fuck 'em, nothing but trouble. Wish I could find a wife that wasn't. [/gay]
PS: I'm fucking HOSED tonight, jesus. Friend's birthday, whole group of foolz at several bars with everyone drinking mass quantities of BOOOOOOOOOZE.

Had my firfst Irish Car Bomb tonight, it was quite tasty! Then I went back to drinking like 23498752309 Taddy Porters.
Okay triple post because now I'm getting all pissed off again. :tickled:
once I was NAD said:
On the positive side, my guitarist who owes me $1400 is knocking off $900 of that debt by giving me his old Music Man Sabre Bass. I've lusted for one for YEARS, they stopped making them like 20 years ago. I'll now have 3 Music Man basses in my collection. :headbang:
Okay apparently he was asking me to BUY this bass from him, like give him cash, even though he owes me $1,400.00. Well actually $1,500.00 but I'm letting that last hundo slide. What the fuck is that shit!??! Oh yeah dude, I'm really going to give you $900 cash when YOU OWE ME FUCKING MORE THAN THAT. Fucking prick.
Doomcifer said:
NAD, isn't he playing on YOUR fucking kit as well? :tickled:
Yeah dude, before we aced his ass, he was playing on my shit. When I said "hey bro, I need my kit back because I have some solo bullshit to take care of" he gave me back my shells but still kept using my hardware. Yeah thanks dude, I can get real far with a stack of drums and nothing to fucking set them up with.

Bunch of assholes I'm dealing with!
Oh man I feel awesome today. And by awesome I mean kicked by a horse. Sucks because by the time I went to bed last night I had already sobered up and had a hangover. P'OH!