The (Un)official write anything you want page

I think it's really time to quit my band. The drummer we just fired is a friend of mine, who I'd like to keep, but he was told that I was the one who said "give him the axe" by my guitarist, who, for lack of a better term, is a pathological liar. Now I've been totally mellowyellow when it comes to the Sheetz, anytime some bullshit drama comes up I lay low because I'm not getting involved in an argument (I just later complain about it here :loco: ), and I'm certainly not getting involved in the political structure of a garage band. I don't aspire to be a rockstar, I've told these dudes from day one I'm only in it for fun. So when the topic of "where do we want this band to go" ever comes up I simply say I'll ride along with whatever you dudes want to do. Don't look to me for decisions because I'm in it for a larf, you dudes are the ones who want to take it seriously. Although what I should say is "I don't say shit because most of my ideas are shot down anyhow." Plus my guitarist owes me $1,500 and I know he's never going to pay me back. *bangs head on desk over stupid stupid move to lend him money*


sounds like 2 camps involved in this band ... you and drummer (don't give a shit, fun camp) ... the other 2 dudes seem to want to go to the next level, world domination or whatever ... conflicts will arise.

but fuck dude, sometimes, as hard as it is, you have to weed out losers and people that are holding you back from your life.

goign to a process like that myself for the last few weeks ... where I just go out, and am really wide eyed, and kind of sit back and reevalute people I habg out with. selfish, maybe ... but fuck it ... I mean I talk to them about it and all, but sometimes people are on different tracks and goals ... friends or chicks ...

we break up with chicks ... why can we not with other people we know ... sometimes you just outgrow people.

from what I know you nad ... it seems you are light years ahead of most of your friends, in most aspects of your life.
we break up with chicks ... why can we not with other people we know ... sometimes you just outgrow people.
YES. I don't know why it's such a hard thing to do. Generally I take breaks from friends, someone I hang out with 3 times a week for a year I won't talk to for 6 months afterwards, and I think stuff like that is healthy, provided nobody gets butthurt about the situation. Keeps me from wanting to kill people I supposedly love.

Oh and the drummer is in the same "rockstar" boat as the other two dudes. I'm the only one who takes this band realistically. I'm also the only one with a job so am not looking for a get rich quick scheme, which I've always thought this was about. I mean I told the dudes we have a foot in the door with The End Records and they were like "we don't want some NAD label" because they'd rather aim for Sony first. WTF, I'd be so happy to release an EP on a great label like The End or even something obscure, but these dudes just don't want the fun, they want a job. Bah. Bah!

hahaha that picture is brilliant.
I mean I told the dudes we have a foot in the door with The End Records and they were like "we don't want some NAD label"

you have an in at TER? ... that's cool dude.

sounds like these guys want this band as "way out" ... to make a living off of as you say ... I guess they are more unrealistic then I thought.
You guys are good and all ... but not "make a living" good ... no offense.

in the word of Sonny from Bronx Tale ... You dump'em ... you dump'em fast ...

or since you are just out to have fun and play, drink and meet chicks ... just sit back and enjoy the sideshow
once I was NAD said:
Oh and the drummer is in the same "rockstar" boat as the other two dudes. I'm the only one who takes this band realistically. I'm also the only one with a job so am not looking for a get rich quick scheme, which I've always thought this was about. I mean I told the dudes we have a foot in the door with The End Records and they were like "we don't want some NAD label" because they'd rather aim for Sony first. WTF, I'd be so happy to release an EP on a great label like The End or even something obscure, but these dudes just don't want the fun, they want a job. Bah. Bah!


Yeah, thats dumb. Tell em to check the Sunday classifieds.
Yeah so I wrote an email to my ex-drummer trying to say "hey man, let's be friends and shit" and he fired back calling me careless, clueless, and selfish because I was just in the band "for fun," and never let anyone know. Jesus fucking christ. Everyone who knows me KNOWS that I'm only in music for fun, and I've ALWAYS made that ABUNDANTLY clear to any band I've ever been in. That dude himself, we used to argue over that all the time! "Dude, why don't you want to be a rockstar?" "Because I have a job, music is my hobby. I like it that way." And now he comes back and insults me. Reminds me of that time I bought him a Primus ticket and when I came to collect he said "I'm not going" and got pissed off at ME "you know I'd back out! you pay for it." Man, fuck that dude! I only got suckered into trying to make nice with the guy because of a god damn birthday party tonight, we were both invited and he was getting butthurt because I was going to be there too. So I tried. And he sucks. Why the fuck do these idiots act like snatches when they don't even have the god damn common courtesy to give me a reacharound?!?

My in with The End is via JayK. Maybe I'll try my solo shitz or something through that.

And yeah, I know we aren't good enough to make it. We aren't bad enough either. :loco:
NAD, question for you: If you did someday happen to find THE right group of musicians to collaborate with, and you guys hit a sound you thought could go somewhere relevant and original, would you consider making music more than just a hobby? 'Cause you're by all indications a damn good bassist and stuff
Hey thanks!

I seriously doubt it man. While I have respect for dudes that make a living from their music (not the big rockstars, the street musicians, wedding singers, teachers, etc.), that shit just isn't for me. I have a career, and my music provides complete enjoyment. If I had to play Motley Crue covers in some bar to make ends meet, I wouldn't be enjoying my favorite hobby any longer.
Makes sense I guess. Sounds kinda weird coming from someone who's so into music. At least you're realistic.

What inspired me to ask was another friend of mine. He's a pretty decent guitarist, but seems bummed out about music lately. He was huge into classic rock, but now he says he knows it all, is bored and wants newer shit to check out. I asked him if he cares about playing music anymore, and his response was that he would never try to be serious about music if he didn't have anything original to offer. He would only consider trying to push his music, devote himself to it, and make it his life if he happened to develop a sound of his own. I found that to be a pretty interesting thing to say, seeing as most people are content just to form derivative bands and try to make as much of it as possible.

So that's my long post of the night. Not sure it really had much to do with you. FUCK I NEED PEOPLE TO JAM WITH UP HERE!
Oh yeah and hey Demilich, I don't really like pickguards either, but this is why I have to have one on my P:


My new one looks 4298579438579428x better, but isn't shielded on the back and doesn't have a notch for truss rod adjustment. But that's okay because there is no additional noise, and I've only ever adjusted the truss rod once in 9 years on this bass (graphite reinforced neck really works).

Yay, new pickguard! :headbang:
Demilich said:
I asked him if he cares about playing music anymore, and his response was that he would never try to be serious about music if he didn't have anything original to offer. He would only consider trying to push his music, devote himself to it, and make it his life if he happened to develop a sound of his own.
Yeah, that's cool. Although if he enjoys doing same old same old, might as well do it. My solo crap is pretty much a Sunn O))) ripoff, so there you go. :loco:
well Sunn O))) started as an Earth ripoff and are doing some pretty cool shit these days. You could also say Boris started as a Melvins ripoff and... well, Melvins ripoff isn't exactly a limiting accolade, but look at the variety and awesomeness of shit they pull off.

BTW have you checked out any more Boris albums? I really think Amplifier Worship is near the boring end of their spectrum. Once Pink gets here I'll have 5 Boris releases, and I'm 99% sure AW is at the bottom.

Akuma No Uta
Mabuta No Ura
Sun Baked Snow Cave (w/ Merzbow)
Amplifier Worship

Flood sounds like it's a favourite among those with more discerning tastes (as opposed to fans of anything heavy), sounds like quieter ambient stuff with lots of looped clean guitars and some feedbacky parts. Also a one track album.
Didn't know you were a fan. Flood is the one I've been wanting to get for a LONG time. I just realized today that it seems to still be in stock at Inoxia and significantly cheaper than it is at ATH / Aquarius / other places over here. Even after shipping.

Also found some Australian place that has a couple of the Archive Records live releases but i have to look through my history and find the site again. I was meaning to ask Chromatose about them being worth buying or not.
oh yeah i was about to reply to that PM, but I'm lazy so...


I have mp3s?

but I really haven't listened, the recording quality turned me off enough that I didn't want to toss out the cash to pick 'em up.
Flood is an amazing album. Pink and Amplifier Worship are the best aside from that.... Oh, can't forget At Last, Feedbacker. all great shit. If you haven't heard pink though DO SO. It's their #2 album thus far.