The (Un)official write anything you want page

lol this is why myspace is sometimes useful:

kay, I understand why people are getting all angsty about this PETA thing. But not eating meat isn't really going to make a difference! Sure, you're stating the fact that you're against animal slaughter.. but not everyone gives a shit about the animals. You not eating meat isn't going to stop the kid next door from eating it.

I am completely against what they're doing to the animals, so don't think i'm all for it. It's cruel, and in-humane. The least they can do is kill them humanely!

But did you know that Cows are one of the top greenhouse gas producers in Brazil, which is home to the second largest national cattle herd in the world? Cattle contribute 29 percent of the total volume of methane emitted within
national territory.

Methane is also produced by fossil fuels, and the natural processes of marsh areas. Ex: In addition to grazing animals, rice cultivation is another major source of methane, with 90 percent of the world's paddies concentrated in Asia.

Cattle do not only generate gases that contribute to global warming. In Brazil, the animals are also associated with the country's top environmental problem: the burning of forests and the concentration of rural property in the hands of a few, which has proven to be a source of serious social conflicts.

So eat meat! And help prevent global warming!
Got a new puppy and I have to watch it 24/7. Oh the joys of waking up 3 times a night to take it outside in the freezing cold. :lol:
Theres 20 inches of snow outside.

Yesterday I woke to snow and lots of it. This meant that work would be busy as shit because in this state people are stupid and like to drive on ice and snow just to get ONE MOVIE!!!! My first customer of the day was a guy in his 40's and this is how he opened up the conversation.

Customer 1: My wife of 13 years just left me.Im a fully functional capable man and my wife just left me for a women. I called my best friend who happens to be married to my wifes sister. She also left him...For The same women!!!He walked straight into the house and found all three of them in bed together.

I thought he was gonna burst into tears and after that started ranting about the gays and lesbians and how the country has gone down the shitter, I did tell him that if gays get to have a gay march I want a straight march damn it. He laughed and then left. Then came Customer 2.

Customer2: Hey that guys wife left him for a woman , thats crazy. You know I am hispanic and I was a vietnam vet. My Sergeant sent me into battle 13 times at the front of our squad to prepare me for being a leader. The reason this country is going down the drain is because all the illegal mexicans and Indians ( from India) we let in and by the next election some democrat is gonna run this country even further straight down the drain.

Customer 3 cuts in.

Customer 3: Hey my name is Gerald Martinez and I need to set up an account and I also have a land scaping business and was wondering if you know anyone who needed landscaping?? ( THERES 7 INCHES OF SNOW ON THE GROUND RIGHT NOW, WHO GIVES A SHIT ABOUT LANDSCAPING)

Gerald introduced himself to Customer 2 whos name was Flavio Sanchez. They proceeded to hold a five minute conversation completely in Spanish while holding up my line. By the time I left work i had already done $850 dollars and there was 10 inches of snow out there. If I ever hear the name Sanchez again in my life itll be to soon. Half the population of New Mexico are named Sanchez. Half of that is illegal.
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31 December 2006

Gun Barrel City, Texas

Gun Barrel City, Texas. Yes. It is real. Yes. Only in Texas

In an unsurprising turn of events, the first random Saddam sighting was just announced in Texas. It all started mere hours following former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein's alleged "execution".
Billy Ray Bob Joe Jim Young, An appalled Gun Barrel resident: "I went to fill up my 70 gallons gas tanked SUV at the local gas station, when this gentleman, wearing a cowboy hat, smoking a cigar and carrying a double-barrel shotgun came out to fill up my tank".
"I looked at him and told him:'Y'all look a bit familiar, are we going to the same church?'
And he looked at me with those angry eyes and said, with a very heavy Irqai accent:'I don't think so. I'm Sunny'.
I said:' Well I'll be god darn it! You sound just like those A-rabs I was gunnin' down in I-raq back in 1991. You sure came long way to fill my tank!'
He puffed his cigar for a minute and I saw his index finger tightening around the trigger and then he told me, quietly:' In the name of Allah, if I were you, I'd drive on now, and I won't look back'. And with this final he walked back into his booth where I heard riders on the storm playing from. I tell you, at this minute, I realized who he was: Saddam Hussein! And those I-raqis were supposed to hang him dead! I got the shivers and just drove off".

Has Saddam truly left the building?

While authorities in the US refused to comment on the issue claiming it to be "complete and utter horseshit" a high level source in the Iraqi government commented simply by stating: "Ladies and gentlemen, Saddam has left the building. Good night."
everyoe thinks athey hate ach bitch Robn, they love each and their sudes, not really because they adobpted, they're juyst rfirends
. Randi liea- does nt' hate hm, he doesn't eget loved, he doesn't liek that.~!
A day after the Kern High School District board of directors voted to rename winter and spring break as Christmas and Easter break, a man set himself on fire in front of the Liberty Bell on Truxtun Avenue in apparent protest.

The man, who was not immediately identified, used flammable liquid to set himself, a Christmas tree, an American flag and a revolutionary flag replica on fire just before 3:30 p.m., according to Bakersfield Fire Captain Garth Milam.

The fire was quickly extinguished by a nearby deputy and parole agent.

Kern County Sheriff’s Deputy Lance Ferguson saw drifts of smoke from the security station at the doors of the court.

The deputy, who mans the security screening at the doors of the court, grabbed a fire extinguisher and ran outside.

Flames were devouring a Christmas tree next to the Liberty Bell where public events and demonstrations are common.

Beside the tree, stood a man with an American flag draped around his shoulders and red gas can over his head.

When the man saw the deputy he poured the liquid over his head and within seconds the fumes from the gas met the flames from the tree and the man ignited in fire.

The deputy yelled to the man again and again to drop to the ground as he and a nearby parole agent emptied their fire extinguishers on him.

“The man stood there like this,” the deputy said with his arms across his chest and his head bent down, “Saying no, no, no.”

Finally the deputy grabbed a sweater on the ground and beat the remaining flames out.

When the flames were out, the man was covered with the chemicals from the fire extinguisher and burns. But he was alive.

The man suffered first degree burns on his shoulders and arms, Milam said.

When the deputy looked over to the Christmas tree he saw a charred heap with lights wrapped around it and a silver star at the top.

Kern County Sheriff’s Deputy John Leyendecker said the man had a sign that read something to the effect of - “(expletive) the religious establishment and KHSD.”

Milam said that on his way to the hospital, the man made some sort of statement about the destructive effect of religion.

Leyendecker believes the man may have set himself on fire as a protest of the recent Kern High School District board decision to call winter and spring break, Christmas and Easter break.

“I’m sad that any man would light themselves on fire because they disagree with a decision by a representative board elected by the voters,” said Trustee Chad Vegas, who brought the issue to the board. “My reaction as pastor is that it demonstrates the deep depravity of man and his need for the grace of God through Jesus Christ.”

Trustee Bob Hampton, the only board member to vote against changing the names of the school breaks, declined to comment until he had further information.

Trustee Joel Heinrichs offered sympathy for the man.

“That’s terrible and I hope he recovers. There’s room in our civil society to have policy disagreements and nobody needs to do anything that extreme,” Heinrichs said.

Trustees Bryan Batey and Ken Mettler could not be immediately reached for comment.

It was not immediately clear what hospital the man was taken to.

“The fast action of Ferguson and the parole officer saved that man’s life,” Leyendecker said.

“Thanks,” the deputy said with his head bent down.

Ferguson has been a Kern County Sheriff’s deputy for about six months, full time about a month.

“It’s the most awful thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life,” Ferguson said.

Funny shit right there.
How long does it usually take a person to get used to it being a new year? I always take like a week and a half before fully getting used to it:erk: