The (Un)official write anything you want page

You have a fear of nothingness? Fuck that's all I ask for in life! Or death, rather.

It's hard for me to envision an endless void of nothing. Having this in my head is bad because I don't want to walk around a nervous wreck avoiding death. I know it's stupid, but I find comfort in the idea of reincarnation, though I know it's scientificully impossible.

edit: I won't discuss this in high detail because I fear I may cause myself to have a panic attack (yea I'm a mental pussy)
I don't believe that there is a higher power. Period. Nothing non-human has ever suggested to me that there is. So that's what I believe. Or rather, what I don't believe.

And I'll leave it at that. :D

Events in my life have suggested to me that there is. As you can see from my posts, I'm not practicing. And I'll leave it at that.

p.s Guess what color my God is. :tickled:
I always used to chuckel when I went into the projects to repo some deadbeat's shit and see a pic of Black Jesus on the wall. Or better yet, Black Jesus at the Last Supper. :tickled:

Got me everytime.
Or better yet, Black Jesus at the Last Supper. :tickled:

Breaking biscuits and downing water made in to malt aye? Holy hell do I loathe negroes! I seriously seriously do! Do you all think this is some sort of joke!?!? This is my eternal nightmare! I toss and turn every night knowing that I will wake up and see these black beasts of burden at the local watering hole with their lips that resemble enlongated fruit roll ups, and their eyes that are yellower than a chinese whore house. How did we lose control of this situation?!!?
Mooj: Life is about people. It's about connections.
Andy Stitzer: It's all about connections.
Mooj: It's not about cocks, and ass, and tits.
Andy Stitzer: Yeah.
Mooj: And butthole pleasures.
Andy Stitzer: It's not about butthole pleasures at all.
Mooj: It's not about these rusty trombones, and these dirty sanchez.
Andy Stitzer: Please stop.
Mooj: And these cincinatti bowties, and these pussy juice cocktail, and these shit stained balls.