The (Un)official write anything you want page

How is everyone doing?

i think i'm coming down with a throat infection again. this is bad. this is really really bad. i don't even know what the fuck is going to happen this time. i might even need to get my tonsils out, which would really really really really really really really really really suck a whole fucking lot, because it's crunch time in all my classes for the next 3 weeks up to finals and being laid up for a week would seriously fuck my shit up in a bad way.

seriously today was bad enough, i had to write a 2500 word essay in spanish on don quixote. so spending the day worrying about whether i'm going to wake up tomorrow with the vader death grip on my throat really didn't help.
seriously wtf. i've been pounding the emergen-c to no effect apparently. i stopped taking the last batch of antibiotics over a week ago, i thought i was in the clear.

fuck, seriously this could be like a month-ruining event.
Get some Zinc as well as the Vitamin C.

Get a godamned multivitamin and take it religiously too.

You might even wanna drink shitloads of green tea or just get some EGCG, or even some r-ALA to fight all them free radicals you got going on in there.
Is anyone else as sick as I am with this whole "Trash Till Death" AKA "Retro-thrash" scene? It seems as if there are 300 of these bands formed a day, whom sound exactly the same... and just play tankard covers.

On that note, I'm going to begin stabbing people, on sight, who wear white reeboks, a tankard tshirt, and tight light blue pants... EVERY FUCKING DAY! This race of "thrash till death" kiddies needs to die.
On that note, I'm going to begin stabbing people, on sight, who wear white reeboks, a tankard tshirt, and tight light blue pants... EVERY FUCKING DAY! This race of "thrash till death" kiddies needs to die.

I've never seen anyone that fits that description here in Los Angeles. EVER!
Is anyone else as sick as I am with this whole "Trash Till Death" AKA "Retro-thrash" scene? It seems as if there are 300 of these bands formed a day, whom sound exactly the same... and just play tankard covers.
Not really, what you say doesn't even happen. Viking/pagan/folk wannabes are worse in every aspect. They also breed faster, so they must be stopped.
Oh man, we have a lot of them in Utah right now. Its sickening me. Legions walking down the street. Went to the record store the other day, guy noticed I was wearing a Sodom shirt... decided to try lecturing ME on thrash.

"Hey, you should listen to Tankard and stuff, cause they're like thrash."
"Oh, ok..." (Trying to get him to shut up and leave)
"And like, Death Angel..."
I cut him off: "Say, you know I've seen Death Angel twice in the last 8 months?"
"What dude? They were here?!"
"No, you're a moron. Return to your idiocy."
"Fuck you!"

I hate the people in the thrash scene...
"Hey, you should listen to Tankard and stuff, cause they're like thrash."
"Oh, ok..." (Trying to get him to shut up and leave)
"And like, Death Angel..."
I cut him off: "Say, you know I've seen Death Angel twice in the last 8 months?"
"What dude? They were here?!"
"No, you're a moron. Return to your idiocy."
"Fuck you!"

If you truely said that, you're a GOD!*

*Unless the kid was 13. :lol:
I think he was 13.

One of the most annoying things, to me, is when people try bothering me when I'm at the record store, looking through row after row of records. I'm not there to talk, I'm there to find what I want and get the fuck out. So I tend to be a total dick to those who do that.