The (Un)official write anything you want page

Dude... I am so fucking addicted to these Sweettart rope things. They're like, a cherry rope, with soft sweettart filling.... and fucking nerds. Its my crack.
I forgot how funny Garfield can be without the thought balloons



what do you call or where can you find the thingies some of you have in your sigs? i used to have one but got all gay and changed the site. now i cant find one.
That Vic faggot is a complete, and utter moron, in every single sense of the word. LMFAO Who the fuck does he think he is? Really, WHO is he? I sure hope he has some kind of background/forestory.
People who bag on Christianity, like its worse than any other mythical religions, are just dumb. Sure you have your hypocrites, but its like any other belief system. Humans are fallable and stupid. Its just that Christianity, in this time period of infinity, is more popular and greater in numbers than most other belief systems, so of course you;re gonna have more hypocrites....based on mere mathematics/statistics.

Oh, and I guess Trouble arent Metal then either...or even Black Sabbath at times...fuck, maybe Doom isnt even Metal at all, now is it?

Black Metal FTW!!!111
People who bag on Christianity, like its worse than any other mythical religions, are just dumb.

well it's certainly more pertinent than ragging on zoroastrianism, i mean i complain about evangelicals more than antikosmik Stan-worshippers but it's not just because they're christians, it's because of their despicable agenda and ability to carry it out.

but in a philosophical context, yea agreed.
yeah, i agree with you too. Its the people, though, who are the jackasses...but I probably misundertand a lot of the belief systems because I have a problem ascribing to ANY set of beliefs at all. I do know that many "Born Again" are pretty ridicukous with trying to convert everyone and should just stfu and just believe what they believe, same goes for those idiots who knock on doors...Jehovas. I dont quite understand the whole idea bout force-feeding beliefs down peoples throats.