The (Un)official write anything you want page

I got a new job for the first time in 8 years.

Less work + more money = :)

Gonna be stuck in SoCal for longer than planned sucks, but eh. Gonna try to move up to the mountains. Buy more axes. Harpoon more philistines.
So I put my lunch in the microwave and set the time, only to realize seconds later that I do not have a fork, and have no way of getting a fork. (I'm at work mind you) Sheezat, I'm using a plastic knife and a straw as a pair of makeshift chopsticks. The cuisine you ask? Chicken and rice.

Stay tuned...

How are the non album tracks on the singles Katatonia released for The Great Cold Distance? :err:

Dissolving Bonds = :D
Displaced = :erk:
Code Against the Code = :)
Unfurl = :) This has bit if a.. "trip-hop" thing going on which I'm not a huge fan of but good vocal melody.
Remix Tracks = :erk: - :) more "trip-hop-ness" here and there...
I have a job interview in 35 minutes for something that pays really good for little hours and lots of days off... I totally sense that I am gonna say something stupid during said interview and fuck it up, heh.
So I haven't put in my two weeks notice because I'm attempting to wait for the fiscal year closure bonus (hopefully today or tomorrow), so I can get a few extra jewtokens before leaving this pit, but the last 3 days have been spent doing absolutely NOTHING other than browsing the internet. Not that that is any different from the past 8 years, but right now there is ZERO work being interspersed as opposed to at least a modicum of it. :loco:

Also this scene keeps getting replayed over and over in my head:

"Congratulations on your new job, Homer."
"New job...? MARGE IS PREGNANT?!?"
I have a job interview in 35 minutes for something that pays really good for little hours and lots of days off... I totally sense that I am gonna say something stupid during said interview and fuck it up, heh.

Yeah. I was applying at this garden center (I like plants, fuck you) the other day and I was nervous while getting the pre-interview shit and filling out the application. So she gives me the app and sits me down on this bench, and I get to the second page and it's fucking MATH PROBLEMS. Percentages and state taxes and all of that... I nearly shit myself because I suck at math, and this was above-average difficulty stuff. I think I did alright though. It smelled fucking incredible in there, and this awesome cat came and sat next to me on the bench while I was filling it out (which helped).
Yeah, i was damn nervous while taking the pre-test for this place... Luckily I aced it and got the job on the spot. I am now a city worker in charge of supervising maintenance people in my town. :D

POWER! :mad:
Although, I almost did fuck up a question... "What would you do in the case of an unruly or irate employee or citizen?"

I sat saying "umm..." for about a minute till I said "Obviously I would stay calm and try to handle the situation in a calm manner"... where as the truth is "Tell em to fuck off".
so you are quitting? ... i thought you got a job relocation?
got another gig?
I have a transfer in the works but the corporate restructuring came full force about 2 months ago and since I'm getting job offers left and right (without even looking, people are coming to me), I'm saying fuckit and jumping ship. Same shit but with my old boss at a different company. Back to small business instead of that Wal-mart shit, hopefully it'll be cool. Didn't even have to do a resume and got my first raise one hour after accepting it. :loco:

No gigs right now. Wrote two new songs last week though, gonna take a week off and finish them. :headbang:
hahaha, those tests are ridiculously gay. I never know whether to completely lie my balls off or tell the truth, which would result in me not getting hired. So I usually only half-sellout ( :lol: ) and do the in-between.