The (Un)official write anything you want page

You know what's great, though? That feeling of relief just as the burning starts to subside. Just as the flow turns into a trickle, and you can almost hear your anus gasping for air. Man. that's just orgasmic...
I have no idea why but I have a class every Wednesday where by the end I desperately need to shit. I honestly think I might shit myself one day if this continues. I just barely make it to a bathroom after the class. This happens for only one class, the same class, weekly. And it's usually explosive diarrhea.

Where I work, there has been several pupils who have attempted putting laxatives in teachers' coffees, etc. I'm just glad I haven't been on the wrong side of that prank.... yet.
@thanatopsis - you#re full of shit! (somebody had to say it)

we only every did that to this one annoying bint creature in our grade 10 english class. It would ruin her perfect image if she got up in class, so she tried to fight it and shit herself instead.
I have no idea why but I have a class every Wednesday where by the end I desperately need to shit. I honestly think I might shit myself one day if this continues. I just barely make it to a bathroom after the class. This happens for only one class, the same class, weekly. And it's usually explosive diarrhea.

From everything you've told us thus far, I really don't think your students would think it was anything weird.
:erk: I had to get up early this morning for a doctors appointment before work, then i finally sit down at work and bam! like Jerry to a Black Jew, Bohemian Rhapsody comes crashing into my head. It's just the *annoying parts looping through my head... wtf is wrong with me.

*on further thought that would be all of it.