The (Un)official write anything you want page

Plus he makes BEER.

This man is a god, except I'm pretty sure he exists, unlike every other manmade deity.

EDIT: god damn buttpee
That = :kickass:

Unrelated, read this on a housing blog:
I am so sick and tired of this, crisis talk, there is no crisis in lending, we are returning to sane(r) lending standards.

Mike, I’m not sure you’re familiar with the proper definition of “crisis.” In the modern English, crisis means “Any common situation where the person declaring a crisis was unprepared for reality, instead they are living in a dream world hoping for sympathy, or help when they won’t return the favor.”

Let’s look at common crises:

1. Job Loss crisis, only a crisis if you didn’t save and keep a decent resume with job references.

2. Health situation crisis, only a crisis if you didn’t save more than your deductible, top off your adequate and well-research insurance policy, and properly plan your will and trusts for your heirs.

3. Home problem crisis, only a crisis if you didn’t save, maintain your home well, and thoroughly inspect your home before buying, as well as re-inspecting in every 3-5 years for new problems.

4. Car crisis, only a crisis if you didn’t save, maintain your car well, and thoroughly inspect your car regularly before traveling or relying on it to get you to work.

5. Credit card crisis, only a crisis if you didn’t set up autopay, keep your balances well below 10% of your maximum, keep your spending to a minimal level, and keep track of your cards in your thin, limited-space wallet.

6. Kid crisis, only a crisis if you focused on all your child’s needs, planned your child-birth properly and well in advance of conception, investigated any changes or situations in your child’s life that didn’t seem positive, and passed down your good traits to your child as early as possible.

Those are the crises I’ve seen in my life, and all of them are ones you can prepare for so that they’re not crises, but simply dips in the road we call life.

Here are some real crises:

1. You or a loved one are kidnapped.
2. You get in a car wreck in a remote area, and your cell phone flies out the window and is crushed while the other driver is unconscious.
3. You are on a great date, back at the person’s home, and you have the feeling of massive diarrhea coming on.
L O freakin' L
those three crises can be avoided just as easily, if not more easily than the crises in that blog entry. of course since "saving enough" isn't the first solution to any of them, they're crises. and what if they all happen at the same time? that situation occurs often enough...