The (Un)official write anything you want page

lol @ ria and thanopsys ...

asian girls never say yes ...
wasn't nad dating some asian bint before? someone needs to chime in here
SO yeah, instead of seeing Tool like I wanted to tonight, I've got to take a big customer and his son to an As I lay dying concert. I was chosen cause everyone on sales can't stand live music like this enough to warrant making a production/maintenance manager do the sales work. Fucking my pals.

Atleast I'm getting free dinner and beer on the company card, though.
So let me get this straight...there's a full length cd by the cartoon quintet Dethklok, which not only made it in to, but actually received scores in the high 90's??!? Who honestly is spinning this disc?!?! :err:

I'll be honest, I've yet to see an episode. Between this, that shitty Headbanger's Journey DVD, and a black metal axe wielder on the ads for the latest Guitar Hero, I'm starting to have some concerns for the integrity of the genre. :err:

Seriously, What the fuck?
Checked out their myspace page...:erk:

I think I'll devout myself to Classical from this moment forth.


Update [Robert Stack voice] - Seen the first episode of this critically acclaimed hit toon...

Verdict = Pure shit.
So let me get this straight...there's a full length cd by the cartoon quintet Dethklok, which not only made it in to, but actually received scores in the high 90's??!? Who honestly is spinning this disc?!?! :err:

I'll be honest, I've yet to see an episode. Between this, that shitty Headbanger's Journey DVD, and a black metal axe wielder on the ads for the latest Guitar Hero, I'm starting to have some concerns for the integrity of the genre. :err:

Seriously, What the fuck?

I have it, it fucking rules and the show rules.
The military has turned you in to a Dethklok pansy. Now mind you, that is simply a personal observation and nothing more. I don't want you to get all beerzerk on me for such a comment. :dopey:
The military has turned you in to a Dethklok pansy. Now mind you, that is simply a personal observation and nothing more. I don't want you to get all beerzerk on me for such a comment. :dopey:

Haha, I watched it before I came in. For fuck sake they eat at 'Burzum Burger' and shop at 'Finntroll's' supermarket. I mean COME ON.
I'll download another 1 or 2 episodes, but the first one was piss poor by "American Dad" standards. I laughed one time.

Hillbilly Guitarist: I rather chop off my penis than go without beer.
Other dude, bassist who knows: You rather chop off your penis than go without a drink?
Hillbilly Axe-Handler: Yea
Other dude: Sheesh

Now that was funny. The other 10 minutes 45 secs, not so much.
metalocalypse rules....the disc is pretty pedestrian. legitimately metal, but nothing special. i mean, whaddya expect, it's better heard in the episodes in small clips. duncan hills coffee jingle is song of the year though.