The (Un)official write anything you want page

SO yeah, instead of seeing Tool like I wanted to tonight, I've got to take a big customer and his son to an As I lay dying concert. I was chosen cause everyone on sales can't stand live music like this enough to warrant making a production/maintenance manager do the sales work. Fucking my pals.

Atleast I'm getting free dinner and beer on the company card, though.

Good hell... it was 4 hours of breakdowns, out of tune riffs, and out of time harmonizations. And then they closed the bar early due to some straightedgers whining about the drunk people. It was a sea of awful hair. :puke:

And then the kids acting like they were choking each other... what the fuck is with this fad? It needs to END.
Good hell... it was 4 hours of breakdowns, out of tune riffs, and out of time harmonizations. And then they closed the bar early due to some straightedgers whining about the drunk people. It was a sea of awful hair. :puke:

And then the kids acting like they were choking each other... what the fuck is with this fad? It needs to END.

That's okay. Apparently an emo-fag from some band died recently. WE'RE WINNING, SLOWLY BUT SURELY.
a post from the nevermore board which i thought jerry might get a kick out of :loco:

we have a weird tradition here in hlandif you as me, something just lie christmas but the for kids

Sinterklaas. he brings gifts with his black slaves and is a holy man...oh and he is from spain and comes here on a fuckng steam boat

i dont fucking understand this country sometimes

I hate this fucking neighborhood. Heaven forbid someone goes 5 miles over the speed limit. If you do, there is apparently a fat bastard in a golf cart waiting in his driveway to follow you home and tell you what you've done. Oh, and he'll bring is kid with him, to teach him the ways of tattling faggotry. Get a life, jeez.

I'm going to launch dog shit at his house, if I find which one it is.