The (Un)official write anything you want page

I'm tired of all the stupid, ignorant white supremacy assholes.
What the f*** is your problem with Islam?
I'm tired of all the stupid, ignorant white supremacy assholes.
What the f*** is your problem with Islam?

It's a stupid fucking spin-off religion based on lies, like all religions, for starters.


Good enough reasons??
I'm not a white supremist and I don't see the correlation between being one and hating Islam. People should hate Islam simply because it's asinine. Nothing to do with race.
So my boss lectured me today before a class. She started out by saying I use wood too much with the students. I just froze and this was honestly my thought process:

Shit, does she mean my penis? Why would she think I've been using my penis with students? What the fuck have I done lately?
Nothing! Umm...oh, does she mean actual wood? When did I use wood to beat students with? I've used a variety of objects like books, cards, rolled up paper, etc but wood?
Nope, I haven't done that either.

I then figured out she meant "would" not wood. Apparently I'm not to use "would" when speaking with students because it confuses the fuck out of these slant-eyes.
Here's a thought; every time you're tempted to use the word "would," beat one of your students with your penis.
:lol: at Thanatopsis

On a side note, I'm currently missing my 3rd day of work due to the flu. It has thoroughly kicked the shit out of me and has left bed-ridden and useless. Fuck my immune system.
Influenza will kick your face in. A few years ago both the wife and I had it at the same time. It was awesome.