The (Un)official write anything you want page


In the past 3 days though, i've watched the entirety of John from Cincinnati (awesom series, btw... fuck that canceling bullshit), re-watching Father Ted for the 300000000th time, and even watched all 6 star wars movies. Need to get unsickly!

Next up, Red Dwarf for the 400000000000000th time.
i saw suicidal tendencies, municipal waste, and engorged last fucking sick. realized i'm way out of shape though, by the end of moshing thru the MW set i was practically passing out due to lack of oxygen haha
So my boss lectured me today before a class. She started out by saying I use wood too much with the students. I just froze and this was honestly my thought process:

Shit, does she mean my penis? Why would she think I've been using my penis with students? What the fuck have I done lately?
Nothing! Umm...oh, does she mean actual wood? When did I use wood to beat students with? I've used a variety of objects like books, cards, rolled up paper, etc but wood?
Nope, I haven't done that either.

I then figured out she meant "would" not wood. Apparently I'm not to use "would" when speaking with students because it confuses the fuck out of these slant-eyes.

Oh jesus, now my boss and two students think I'm a stalker. They were joking around about taking turns being absent to avoid a little quiz. I mentioned that that wouldn't work, however, because one of those students lives right around the block and we could just go knock on her door. I said I even know that she's on the 5th floor of her apartment complex so it wouldn't be hard to find her. Suddenly gasps were followed by surprised looks and the utterance of "stalker."

The bitch told me she lived right around the corner, and more than that, just the other week told me she lived on the 5th floor.

Sadly the Japanese are gullible as hell so after the surprise wore down a bit I told them I watch her with binoculars and a telescope...

fuck the Defensive Coordinator of the Greenbay Packers. sending 4 guys is not going to do shit to Tony Romo. Fucking idiots!
Blitz!!! Thats how you fucking win! Put Romo into the turf! fucking morons!

I got hired for a job, and one of the clients that employs us will not let any male with long hair work for them. I just got a call saying they will not let me work for this client. This client does most of the events through my boss.

Who would have though it would be such a big deal? Fucking hilarious!