The (Un)official write anything you want page

The younger of my two sons, soon to be 3, has apparently taken a liking to the word "fuck". He was looking at my cds today and, upon pulling one out said "wheel in the sky?" (my kids love Journey), when I said "no", he said "fuck" and put it back. He has dropped it at least 3 times in as many days. I'm torn between thinking it si funny and being slightly worried. His older brother has never dropped it and he will soon be 6. He also says "oh my crap" a lot. That one he got from his brother. The thing we don't get is that we don't swear at home. We've both let a "shit" slip here or there, but neither have ever said it.
One can only hope. :kickass:

The worst part about it is when the teachers at the Montessori mention it. Our older son said shit a few times when he was a bit younger. They know he got it from us so it was almost like being scolded when they talked to us about it. :lol:
My father told me cursing was "campfire talk" and that I wasn't to use it around my mother. That made me hold most of it in until we'd go camping. Well, that and the fact that I was deathly afraid my father would kill me.
Anyone familiar with myspace will know what I mean when I say... I was spammed with a message from a random person telling me to click a link. This is what came of the last one I received:

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: M$.D3V!OU$
Date: Nov 30, 2007 5:02 PM

this is what you need. join up and ill make it worth your while :)

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Eric T
Date: Dec 1, 2007 10:48 PM

Stop sending me spam and go chuck a fucking spear or something.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: M$.D3V!OU$
Date: Dec 2, 2007 2:32 AM


----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Eric T
Date: Dec 1, 2007 2:42 AM

Hey you fucking my pals bitch... go have a couple more babies or something to calm yourself into realizing that you spammed my myspace. See the original message at the bottom... Your monkey instincts lead you to clicking on some link that infected your myspace with the online version of aids, which I'm sure you're fairly familiar with, and it decided to attempt to infect me.

Get off my fucking online porch.


Pissing people off for the sake of pissing em off... Fuck yeah!
My father told me cursing was "campfire talk" and that I wasn't to use it around my mother. That made me hold most of it in until we'd go camping. Well, that and the fact that I was deathly afraid my father would kill me.

:lol: "Campfire talk", what a manly Cannuck phrase.
The younger of my two sons, soon to be 3, has apparently taken a liking to the word "fuck". He was looking at my cds today and, upon pulling one out said "wheel in the sky?" (my kids love Journey), when I said "no", he said "fuck" and put it back.


Wheel in the Sky :kickass:

When I was about 5, I heard the word "my pals" on tv and went up to my dad and asked him what it was. He had this really serious face on and said "Don't EVER say that word again." I was scared he would kill me if I did, haha. The irony though, is that he uses it all the time. And he's so tan, we used to think he was black when we were kids.
When I was about 5, I heard the word "my pals" on tv and went up to my dad and asked him what it was. He had this really serious face on and said "Don't EVER say that word again." I was scared he would kill me if I did, haha.

My mom yelled at me for reading off countries on the globe because I mispronounced "Niger". I also got scolded for saying "Cape Hore", but it wasn't my fault because it was a misprint.