The (Un)official write anything you want page

I just bought what I thought was an egg sandwich with large pieces of yolk in it. I got it home, opened it up...that wasn't yolk, it was pieces of tangerines. I just ate a tangerine, custard, and whipcream sandwich.

Arnie has been kicking all sorts of ass from what I hear in CA ... most people love him.

What does the CA RC contingent think?
So last time it sounded like a mexo-merican fiesta was occuring outside my window and now it sounds like a god damn house rave is going on. where are my glow sticks and backpack
its Ok, most Americans don't know either

canadians all know and :lol: about it

actually, Arnie toured one of the grocery stores I service for work a few months ago to promote trade with California which I thought was odd

he had a huge entourage and a group of people who went to check it out the day before and make sure it was "ready" for him
My dear woman called me a short while ago to deliver the good news that I have a package waiting from a certain duderino who posts on this here forum; rumours have it that it includes (but is not limited to) beef jerky. Updates will follow this evening, many thanks mr. Adustum!
Things of interest:

1) My boss is a master of passive aggression. That's the Pearl Harbor of aggressions.

2) We sometimes use these flash cards that have children doing various actions on them for activities involving verbs. Well, one of them has a black child washing his face. Every time these Jap children see that flash card they either do one of two things: 1) they recoil in horror while murmuring things about "black" or 2) they laugh and call him a gorilla.

3) They shun central heating here so it's a lot of space heaters, heated carpets, and "air con" units mounted onto walls. The company cat caught on fire briefly today because the dumb old thing loves to sleep right next to space heaters. Burning cat smells horrible.