The (Un)official write anything you want page

BWAHAHAHA! Buckeyes made it! I knew it could happen but how did both Missouri and West Virginia lose?! That's hilarious.
This past weekend went by to quick and didn't feel like a weekend at all. I was doing to much shit and never got to sit upon my ass at home for even an hour. Now I've got work to tend to in a couple hours.

I feel like moving
Hahaha, sometimes I do that, but it's always about stuff I'm doing at the moment. I kind of sound like a musical Rainman sometimes.
Haha, so last week theres this guy, anthony, total waste of space in the building (and the earth, for that matter). Fired him after 3 times in 1 day of telling him to stop standing around and do his job. Also caught him smoking in the bathroom, haha. He got pissed and lunged at me, tapping me in the face, and then he left the building.

So, every day after that, he's been coming in the building, at exactly 9:15am, apologizing to me and begging for his job back. When I tell him no, he gets pissed and starts threatening me "I'm gonna fucking kill you! YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD!", then runs out the building.

One of these days I bet he's gonna come with a gun and either kill me, or kill himself. Or both.
When I tell him no, he gets pissed and starts threatening me "I'm gonna fucking kill you! YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD!", then runs out the building.

Sounds like a good time to be notifying the local constable.

Anyway, I'm done watching football. When those fucking tard Patriots get to win because A) some FUCKING GENIUS called a timeout for the Ravens as they were about to win the game and B) the refs made the silliest interference call I've ever seen, I'm done. I mean, I could have been in bed or jerking off or both instead of wasting my time watching that.

At least I got to see that Scott guy throw the flag into the crowd in a fit of rage :lol:
Edward Furlong > fake John Conners.



Fake John Connor > Edward Furlong as The Crow :lol:

:lol: :lol: worst movie ever

I wouldn't be concerned, I cursed alot as a wee lad. With a little luck your son will turn out as good as I did. :dopey:

My dad swore in foreign languages (he spoke 7 fluently at that time) so I wouldn't pick up bad words to offend people. The problem is, then my mom had no clue what I was saying and in what language. :p

Scheiße, came first. I also picked up "mother fucking bastard" in russian pretty quick.

I AM THE GOVERNATOR. I RULE THE TERMINATORS HERE. YOU WILL DIE NOW. *arnie with a rocket launcher in one hand and a oversized chaingun in the other*