The (Un)official write anything you want page

I have a GPS system in my car:


If you wander places where time forgot, I understand (and have used) a GPS device. If you're looking for the god damn dry cleaners and need to hop on Mapquest while talking on a cell phone, driving across someone's lane, tailgating for no reason, all while failing to complete the simple task of using your blinker, then you're an asshole.
To understand who buys these damn things, just check out the Garmin commercial: suburban white do-nothings who drive Land Rovers back and forth between near-luxury stores.

uhm, not really ... those are a given and they can probably afford it.

here i see them in 15 year banged up Taurus' where the GPS is the one thing of any value in the whole car. Heck the GPS is probably worht more than the car.
I really hate cellphones. I hate their owners too. Because of these cunts I, a (the only) non-cell phone owning human being, can't fucking find a payphone when I need to call someone and am in town.


My friend Sean doesn't own a cell phone either. People like this still exist..
GPS - Those things never work right. Half the time they tell you to turn off the highway, and drive through farmland for 60KM at 20km/h and then get back on the same fucking highway an hour later 1000m down the road.

Cellphone - Turn it off. Get one with minutes so you can say "SHUT THE FUCK UP AND MAKE IT QUICK! IT's EXPENSIVE!" and not be an asshole. I have one, it never annoys me, because I don't BABBLE with anyone, its a wonderful way to communicate when people aren't sitting on their fat ass at home.
Europeans by default don't babble as much on the phone as Amerikans ... when i dated this chick some time ago that came from Europe I used to have these 3 minute convo's with her and then she tried to hang up on me all the time. I took that shit personally.
they do now

edit: and my opinion stands, because it was made before I came here. I think I've said it in every cellphone thread we've had. It's not that FUCKING complicated to let it ring.
that might be true, this was before cell phone's widespread use ... even local phone calls on land lines used to be expensive, not sure how it is now.
im getting sucked into going with friends in an 18 person limo up to see The Acacia Strain, Despised Icon, Tony Danza Tap Dance Extravaganza, and Ligeia. Im not a fan of any of these bands by a long shot and because of the ghey limo, if i go it's gonna be kinda expensive...on the other hand, if i dont go, ill have my cock in my hand all night long. ugh..what to do?!
im getting sucked into going with friends in an 18 person limo up to see The Acacia Strain, Despised Icon, Tony Danza Tap Dance Extravaganza, and Ligeia. Im not a fan of any of these bands by a long shot and because of the ghey limo, if i go it's gonna be kinda expensive...on the other hand, if i dont go, ill have my cock in my hand all night long. ugh..what to do?!

fuck that....its gonna be a lonesome, drunken saturday night.
Europeans by default don't babble as much on the phone as Amerikans ... when i dated this chick some time ago that came from Europe I used to have these 3 minute convo's with her and then she tried to hang up on me all the time. I took that shit personally.

hehehe, I'm like that too... I don't like talking on the phone...
I much rather meet the person for a beer/ coffee and talk instead...
Long phone calls are a waste of time..