The (Un)official write anything you want page

Me too.
I have some distant friends that I love dearly, and every time I wanna talk
to them I know it'd be a long ass phone conversation
I sometimes don't want to call.... it's really wierd... not because I
don't love them, but the thought of spending an hour on the phone kills me.
Me too.
I have some distant friends that I love dearly, and every time I wanna talk
to them I know it'd be a long ass phone conversation
I sometimes don't want to call.... it's really wierd... not because I
don't love them, but the thought of spending an hour on the phone kills me.

I can relate 1238972347893742% ...Friends/Family get mad at me for not ever calling them. I just hate talking on the phone. It's so awkward most of the time after the first 2 minutes.
I'm pretty sure my hatred for speaking on the phone has led to the demise of at least two relationships. I'm going to see a girl at eight in the evening, and why the fuck do I need to speak with her four hours before? I mean, if it's important, leave a message and I'll get back, but if it's just for chitchat, hell, I'll see you a few hours.
ok so how come black people loooove grape soda ... but i never see them eat grapes or drink wine?
the reason i brought it up as a kid freaked out at the deli yesterday because they were out of it ... he got really loud ... "what kind of deli doesn't have grape soda?" ... wtf ... chill homie

and grape soda does rule though :loco:
I thought I copied someone else, don't remember who though.

A few years ago I put a menorah in the suckatar, but I don't know what happened to it, and the 27 seconds I spent trying to recreate just that did not lead to fine results.