The (Un)official write anything you want page

xmas avatar showdown:

The other day I almost choked looking at Krigloch's, freakin' amazing.

Just now I saw Chromatose's, and all I can say is this contest is over, give that man the $10,000!
ok, so I don't know how it is in your neck of the woods, but it seems like everyone has a GPS system now in their car ... now I know that most of these people are not lost and really don't need them. I mean I seen people pulling out from the local supermarket with them on, so I know they live in the area ... wtf!

are they the new spinning wheel of 2007?
ok, so I don't know how it is in your neck of the woods, but it seems like everyone has a GPS system now in their car ...

:lol: Lurch, I've been observing the same thing for several months now. It's a matter of A) "Hey, that $400 is just burning a hole in my pocket" or B) "Hey, that $400 of credit on my Visa is burning a hole in my pocket".
To understand who buys these damn things, just check out the Garmin commercial: suburban white do-nothings who drive Land Rovers back and forth between near-luxury stores.
I really hate cellphones. I hate their owners too. Because of these cunts I, a (the only) non-cell phone owning human being, can't fucking find a payphone when I need to call someone and am in town.

Get a fuckin cell phone a'ready.

Fuck that.

My last job required me to have the work issued one on hand at all times... It annoyed me so fucking much. Even worse is talking to someone and all of a sudden their cell rings and they have to waste 20 minutes of my time discussing with their girlfriend whether they should go to Arby's or Mcdonalds in 3 days. Cellphones are a plague. I'm gonna bomb every fucking cell phone tower in the world just to end this fucking annoyance.
I have a prepaid cell phone. Each minute is worth money. So, for me there are no 20 minute conversations. Everything is kept short and simple. Your conversation with LRD cost me dearly, but that was a once in a lifetime opportunity :loco:
I have a prepaid cell phone. Each minute is worth money. So, for me there are no 20 minute conversations. Everything is kept short and simple. Your conversation with LRD cost me dearly, but that was a once in a lifetime opportunity :loco:


That was the ONE time... ONE SINGLE FUCKING TIME, I was glad for there to be a cellphone.
lol at people bitching about technology

If I ever take up doing a good amount of traveling to places I don't normally go to, I would probably invest in a GPS navigation system because I have a horrible sense of direction and get lost all the fucking time whenever I'm going somewhere I haven't been to before. I wound up in Delaware from central NJ once...that's all I have to say.
I honestly don't know how the fuck you manage that. I mean, theres like 50 different ways to get to philly off of I295/NJ turnpike, and 4 or 5 from I95/Delaware expressway. And about 700000000000 signs telling you this.

It's like getting onto the AC expressway and not being able to find Atlantic City.