The (Un)official write anything you want page

i got a vegan cookie in my stocking and i'm eating it and it's gross :cry:

My friend Sandra makes Vegan stuff just to practice for some of her Vegan friends. They taste fucking grand. Actually, I've had a variety of vegan food through her and none of it has tasted raunchy. I think its when Vegan tries to "fit-in" then it tastes like ass. Just admit that vegan will never look and taste right as a hamburger, and make your own unique shit and its just dandy.

i've had vegan cookies but like veggie burgers the decent ones are those that don't try to imitate the real thing

Yep. Don't try and imitate, do something unique, then its good.

I might still have that somewhere on my computer.

Me too, and also Gazebo unit posted by trylakos.

I have a folder full of random songs Erik made and posted here. Among others, it includes the classic "Fuck Off (If you dont drink beer)"

Don't have that one I think... link meh?
I got bored of WoW cause the PVP blows. I'm looking at Age of Conan and Warhammer Online right now. otherwise keeping myself occupied with The Witcher, World in Conflict and off and on some FPS games (bioshock and STALKER)...

Also fooled around with 1701 AD and Overlord. Overlord is fucking hilarious!
I just got to redo all my points for my Druid, and I now I can turn into a Moonkin.... holy fuck does it rule now!
Vegan food can be yummy... I actually noticed that I cook a lot of vegan stuff without even realizing it's "vegan"...
I just love veggies so much, I find so many things to make - withoutout using any meat or eggs, or butter to make them.
I love the game. Brilliantly made and well worth the 15 bucks a month.

Guthrum, why are you proud you've never played it?
I love wow, I just have other games I'd rather play. Playing Street Fighter III drunk off my ass with friends is much more enjoyable than WoW. However, it's great during downtime from other things.
why hasn't a power metal band covered blaster master's title track yet? for that matter, why not the entire game?
I love wow, I just have other games I'd rather play. Playing Street Fighter III drunk off my ass with friends is much more enjoyable than WoW. However, it's great during downtime from other things.

fuck yeah. best game ever for nights with the fellas, smoking n drinking, is any of the Tekken series. Its hilarious how much into the game you can get, especialy when its Round 3 and both health meters are down to mere nothing and just a jab from either one will win the bout. That's when Im on my feet screaming LOUD and jumping around like a drunken fool.